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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. Yeah I was lost too, word salad there, is he saying mcd would come into bills offense meetings and trash cam in front or Dorsey?
  2. Wtf is going on? The practice bubble is gone too? What if it storms, back to ball rooms?
  3. Tepper, we are begging you, stay away from the team…good lord
  4. Just hope we do a tag and trade and someone trades for him
  5. Haha I gotta have some fun with this harbaugh thing then
  6. I’m fully on board with getting Harbaugh and him being there today probably has nothing to do with the panthers, I love a good conspiracy theory so I’m all in haha. When it comes to the panthers, what the hell else do I have to look forward too?
  7. Any coach we interviewed or wanted to interview would have been better than Reich. It felt like after Johnson passed, reich was the guy all alone and that’s sad.
  8. We are cooked and we do deserve better, it’s going to take a long time to recover from this ownership. Heck, we may never recover, but I can’t pick a new team, I just can’t explain it…maybe it’s insanity.
  9. Got a text from a non panthers fan saying “little man might be ass” and I can’t stop thinking about it.
  10. I’m sorry, bench Bryce, keep him healthy for next year. (If that will help him)
  11. I’m just gonna hope he does it at the end of the year, if he keeps him into next year, this is a disaster (worse than we already are).
  12. I have no faith what so ever for them to do anything right. Bar is so low right now. I really do hate being a Debbie downer, that’s just how it is.
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