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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. I don’t expect anything else from this team
  2. I agree, I was just listing who I wanted: Harbaugh at 1 and the rest are well below, except Tomlin, that would be awesome.
  3. All we have to go on is the report that he called us and Denver met with him.
  4. Exactly, why try and get the guy this team needs, a builder. We are a disaster from the top down, Harbaugh is the right guy for the job. Johnson would be good too, but would he come here? Who am I kidding, would Harbaugh even come here?
  5. Russini is also saying we aren’t going after Harbaugh, bummer to me, but I know a lot of ppl weren’t fond of him.
  6. Johnson, Harbaugh, Tomlin. Any of the three and il be good. I get not wanting retreads, but Harbaugh and Tomlin have actually done something, unlike Frank.
  7. Oof I think you guys are right. I know he didn’t look very good yesterday but with the down pour and that last drive, it’s a positive. I don’t feel confident in Bryce only thing I can do is try and be positive.
  8. If Bryce keeps improving and builds off this il feel much better about the future. He hasn’t looked good all year, he needed this.
  9. Damn they did it. Arthur Smith has a weak chin screw the falcons.
  10. I can’t watch currently, did Bryce throw a pick?
  11. What sucks is I feel like he is guranteed to play next year too. I don’t think they will give up on him that soon.
  12. I’m not sure I’m at work and can’t really watch, I’m just going off of here and twitter.
  13. Unless it’s cam in a qb power, it should never be called.
  14. I was getting ready to post the monsoon game of cams rookie year. This is a good one too.
  15. Almost every coach we passed on is doing well right now. Except the one we hired and the one we interviewed twice (Moore). Sheesh Tepper sucks.
  16. That’s what I was going to say, who’s he gonna pick haha (coach and GM)
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