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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. That’s how I feel, I’ve been on 12 hour shifts the last four nights and when I wake up I miss 30 pages.
  2. Part 2 LFG. Not gonna lie, this is the most fun I’ve had on here in some time.
  3. She didn’t say we were getting him like you said.
  4. Incorrect, she said he’s our plan b if Watson is out.
  5. Also, I would imagine Tepper sticking through this thing the WHOLE time, wanting to trade for him before even knowing if he will be indicted or not, speaks volumes.
  6. My phone is about to burn up, if it’s Thursday, I’m gna have third degree burns good lord
  7. That and it’s been reported that they have wanted to young defensive players for a whole year now.
  8. This Johnnie Bets guy on twitter keeps saying Watson to Carolina is basically done. Mentioned cmc, Sam and Burns were in on the deal. Ppl keep saying this but if it were true, why would watson go meet with NO?
  9. Does this cover how prices go up every with FA and contract extensions? Player A gets a huge deal then next year player b feels like they are better so they want more than player a so price goes up etc. this happens every year, just curious, great info!
  10. Didn’t he say they were not gonna pursue him? Sorry for the double post.
  11. Although that is awesome, that person is not a reliable sources. I’ve read many credible ppl say that just make stuff up.
  12. Another thing: I thought Houston wanted defensive players and others have reported that Houston doesn’t want cmc bc the contract and injury concerns.
  13. Will we even know today or tomrw? Nfl live is saying he will meet with other teams by Wednesday, if they don’t land Watson, this will be colossal failure.
  14. I thought they wouldn’t let him and that’s one of the reasons he wanted out?
  15. Albright is saying NO has the edge now, is that true? If it is, will we still get a face to face meeting and will that matter?
  16. Thank you! Rapsheet said he wants to sit down with both teams, I haven’t hesrd that happen yet, we will know more tomrw. Based off what I’ve read from Texans fans, the Texans FO loves our offer, Watson just wants to talk to coaches and owners. It’s not over.
  17. No offense, but you’ve been saying it was over for days now, even said it when Albright and Verge had us as the favorites. Try to stay positive, we arent done yet.
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