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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. Da Betz strikes again hahaha what if he’s right him and the Cobb and all these checkmarks are wrong?
  2. It’s incredibly odd how this whole time, no beat writers or media employees working for the big guys, have said we have a chance.
  3. Let’s let him say his piece. What’s it gna hurt he isn’t being mean or anything right?
  4. Not quite yet. We’ve been knocked down three times and it’s the 10th round and are losing in the score cards, but we still keep fighting. All it takes is one good shot.
  5. Wait I can give pie now...how’s that work it just told me I was out of it.
  6. I’m not sure, Bets is a Browns fan, inkisdry seems like if he has a source, it’s close to Watson. Bets also said it would be done yesterday, inikisdry has held on to Friday from his first post as “not2panic”
  7. I don’t know what a cuck is but ima take it as disrespectful, we can’t stand for that with da Cobb.
  9. Did someone ban the inkisdry, let him keep going at This point what’s it hurt to let him speak?
  10. I appreciate you being positive. But without stating how you know this, you may get banned again.
  11. Yep. This was a fun few days. Take care everyone and be safe.
  12. Is there a chance we meet with him again...I can’t believe Tepper would just role over like this.
  13. No one knows a thing, friend. Just like all week.
  14. Saints freed up cap space, but so did we a few days ago, we still have more.
  15. Yes I was thinking the same, except we are in a better position to actually do that than both teams. This all seems so odd.
  16. Yeah I know it, just trying to remain as positive as I can.
  17. Jets just signed a Texans pass rusher. To keep hope alive let me tin foil hat a second. There was that article someone posted yesterday that was actually written yesterday. It stated the Texans want a DE, the only team that has a very good DE on a rookie contract is the Panthers. There is hope! But then there are the rumors that we won’t trade Burns, so who the heck knows what is true anymore. Also, why did steve reed tweet out that thing about Tepper coming away from this with just dealing pucks and no players, does he know something?
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