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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. Which part, that he followed Bryce and then hurried up and followed the others or he was following them all the whole time?
  2. The 598 following for McCown was there in Edgar’s original tweet as well as this one you shared, it looks like he was following all of them all along.
  3. Understood. I don’t know if the Texans canceling is true, I haven’t seen it reported by anyone else. It’s just odd how there is no talks about it, it’s all young, so it makes me think it will be Young.
  4. I’m loving all of this. The speculation is amazing, all the back and forth, every day there is something new to read. Plus the comments on twitter are hilarious.
  5. So I take it it’s not that common or what are you saying?
  6. How common is it that he visited two days? Why did Houston cancel their visit with him?
  7. Welcome to the family. I do have a question: I had read the Texans canceled their draft visit for AR, does anyone know if that’s true and why they did?
  8. Two days is something to ponder about, I had read that it was rumored but didn’t know if it actually happened. Not saying you are full of poo, I’m just curious, do you remember who confirmed it was two days? I wonder how common that is for pre draft visits?
  9. This is very intriguing, I didn’t know he had two days and did well, not much was reported on his visit. When young visited it was reported he “impressed”, but crickets for AR. Also, I keep hearing about this S2 score. We all know young did well but how did AR do, why wasn’t anything reported on him? I did see talks that he “knocked it out of the park” on twitter, but I don’t know if the person reporting that was credible. It’s all very odd, but fun to speculate. Even after all of what I just said, with all of our own reporters and insiders reporting it’s going to be young, even reporters and insiders who are usually correct, it’s looking like it’s going to be young. In the end, any one of the three would be good picks.
  10. Very true. I forgot to ask this earlier, does anyone know if the Texans canceled their pre draft visit with AR. I thought I saw someone on twitter share something about that happening. Let’s say it did, that could mean several things, obviously it could not mean much at all. It could mean AR had scheduling conflicts or something along those lines. OR it could mean they know something about what we do with the first pick… Ok Tim foil hat off now. side note: I still find it odd TD said that on the nfl network.
  11. As much as I want us to draft him, I think mr Scot may be right. Credible media people are saying it’s young and even the people on twitter with inside info are saying it’s young. Many saying we traded up with young and stroud in mind and our very own Verge is saying it’s young. Il hold out slight hope it’s AR because where the heck did TD get his information saying it’s going to be AR on nfl network a few weeks back.
  12. I was on the “no one knows who we are picking” train…until I stumbled across this fella on twitter. Of course everyone is saying Bryce, but this dude knew about our trade before anyone and now he is saying the decision is made and it’s Bryce:
  13. Is AR still in play? I don’t even know what’s real anymore.
  14. Will we know how these visits went, I can’t remember from years past?
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