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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. I think Canales deserves more credit for benching Bryce. Since that happened, Bryce isn’t complete ass anymore.
  2. Aren’t the pats skill players terrible besides Stevenson and isn’t their line one of the worst in the league? I’m genuinely asking I could have sworn I saw that somewhere.
  3. Thanks man, here’s to you and your family, keep pounding.
  4. God Bless them all, I am so sorry to hear that. I’m glad that they got to spend some time together at home. I will pray for you and your in laws sisters family. I too suffered a loss this last week, an aunt, it is never easy. It’s important to enjoy the time we have together with our friends and loved ones.
  5. If the INT wasn’t thrown eagles probably don’t score. At the very least, panthers punt with not much time left. I watched the game, that’s why I said when the eagles scored off the turnover that was the game. If we are gonna blame XL blame others mistakes too. Take those bs box score comments back to your momma.
  6. If Bryce didnt sail that INT panthers would have won.
  7. Absolutely bonkers takes going on right now with Bryce. I’m all for people saying he’s improved and playing good ball (which he has and is) but it’s not spectacular like what fnz is saying. They aren’t the only ones, national talking heads are shouting from the mountain tops as well, I’m sorry but under 200 yards, one TD and a game losing INT isn’t the best football in the league. Instead of hyping him up like everyone is doing, why not take a realist approach and just say he’s playing well. All this talk about he’s “him” and the franchise and all that is wild. Let him finish out the season first. For us to declare him as the guy with the start of his career he had is irresponsible. Before anyone calls me a hater, I’ve said multiple times I want him to do well because if he does, we win, I’ve even acknowledged he’s proven me wrong and is playing well, but the overreactions are exhausting. All the people dogging on XL and saying they are done with him and sucks etc, better show the same patience with him they did with Bryce because a majority of this board (myself included) thought Bryce was done and look what’s happening.
  8. Right but Bryce’s INT directly cost us the game. We do have a problem with XL though, his drops are a problem.
  9. We can hate on XL all we want but if Bryce doesn’t throw that INT, panthers win this game and this drop means nothing. Shoulda, coulda, woulda…Panthers by 21 next week.
  10. Did you have doubts a while back?
  11. My bad I only took into account INTs I didn’t think about fumbles
  12. I’d say stroud and Maye have done similar if not slightly better their last 5 or 6 games. I would say Maye has been slightly better because he has far less to work with. Nix has also out performed him. But Bryce has played better than Williams which is awesome haha.
  13. Exactly and everyone is blaming XL (who played bad) but no blame on Bryce throwing that INT that could be argued lost us the game more than XL did. I’ve said multiple times he’s improved drastically but everyone is acting like he’s the second coming. He’s been solid and that’s what we should go off of.
  14. Also in his defense, all of last year and the first two games this year, Bryce was pure ass. Can’t blame some people for being very hesitant
  15. Agree but you could also argue if Bruce doesn’t throw that pick, we win.
  16. Ok, this isn’t directed towards you just a general statement: I know Legette played bad today, but if Bryce doesn’t throw that pick, we win this game. Yes Xavier wasn’t good, but this loss isn’t all on him.
  17. I can’t remember, did the eagles O score off of Bruce’s INT to end the half
  18. If the defense plays like they did today, we should beat them. Admirable performance by this team. I hate moral victories but they should be proud today.
  19. In his defense we got out of the huddle with like 7 seconds left
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