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The Lobo

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Everything posted by The Lobo

  1. I can’t remember if I’ve I stated my own conspiracy (well I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy), I think we never wanted him at all. I think we never wanted anyone after interviewing Frank, but Frank, everything else was for show. Including Payton. My guess, Payton was to sort of to pick his brain or ask advice. Johnson, Steichen and Ryans, and il admit it, Payton, we’re my choices for HC. Not a guy who got fired by the colts. I hope he proves me wrong.
  2. I don’t think Reich is doing them any favors (WRs and Bryce). Several times il see WRs in the same area, that can’t be productive. Basically what we have here is a perfect poo storm: average to below average WRs, rookie qb, a non existent run game/threat and a coach who can’t call plays very well. Speaking of run game, I wish Bryce would scramble more, eff it, take off and get a first down.
  3. After I saw his stats the first two games, first thing I thought of was, I can’t remember who his WRs are. Yes, our weapons aren’t the best, but they are better than Houston’s and stroud is doing just fine. Bryce is a rookie, I get that, but this wr excuse is wild. I remember after smitty left here, some of cams WRs couldn’t get open and no one outside of a handful of ppl gave a poo. Heck, some said stuff like “good qbs throw their WRs open”. Obviously not giving up on Bryce bc it’s only his second game, I did expect better, but hey poo happens.
  4. I will say, it feels like they have been more competitive than this team.
  5. Poo that’s right, I don’t remember Frank interviewing many other places, wasn’t it ARI?
  6. Can’t wait to rank to get a top 5 pick to take Harrison…oh.
  7. We haven’t done poo since the first half of 2018. No improvement and it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better. I hate to be so negative, but damn, it’s not good.
  8. I truly think they already and Frank as their guy and just said that bs to make it seem like a legit did not want type of deal. Did this happen? No clue, but this front office is so incompetent I wouldn’t put it past them. I remember after the Frank interview, there were rumors how well he interviewed, then someone found out the team hired his daughter for some job. (Not saying his daughter wasn’t deserving) After that, I had a feeling they had their guy.
  9. I hate to say it bc I like burns, but I agree at this point. Take the money to pay him and pay Luvu and Brown. Gotta get some picks. Shoulda coulda woulda…shoulda accepted the rams trade last year
  10. It’s early, but yes, that’s what it’s looking like. Heck, in two drives, AR did more than Bryce did this whole game. We can’t change anything now, we just gotta hope he gets better. But giving up that much capital for him, I expected better. My fault for that lol.
  11. That’s on Reich (I agree with you). I’m not or have never been impressed with Frank. I’ve said this before, I live in colts country, they spent years complaining to me about how bad he is, then laughed when we hired him. I’m still hoping he proves them wrong, but it ain’t looking good.
  12. No where to go but up! The cardinals have a horrendous roster and their staff, according to the media after they hyped ours up (lol), is meh…yet they play 10x better and almost won Sunday. There is no excuse to look this bad after all the signings, trading up to get Bryce and hiring this staff, yet here we are.
  13. This team is the drizzling poops. Top to bottom, we collectively just stand out there and pack our pants.
  14. Starting to look that way. Every time I read a report that “Tepper was blown away by *inser name*”, it’s starting to worry me. Granted, it’s so early in Reichs and youngs career here, but him being blown away by Rhule and Hurney, is worrisome.
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