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The Lobo

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  1. I’m all for being positive and wishing Bryce the best, but to me, it’s insane people poo all over people who are still not sure about Bryce yet. I mean, did everyone forget all of last year and the first two weeks of this year? Three good games erases that? Not to me. But, I’m still hopeful. It’s perfectly normal to still be on the fence about the guy. And you’re right, this next game will be a big test and he has faced some pretty easy defenses. (I don’t care about the chiefs overall D, their pass d was horrendous. Wide open guys just like yesterday)
  2. Even if he was playing bad, I still think they shouldn’t have drafted a qb early this draft. BPA all day.
  3. I hope this doesn’t give him the yips and he’s cheeks the rest of the year
  4. Well he’s proving me wrong. Good job Bryce. Greatest turnaround I’ve ever seen, he was a two pack of ass now he’s good
  5. Clowney had him by the face mask visor area, I feel like we got away with one there.
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