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The Lobo

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  1. Interesting for sure, I think I remember him saying if he could go back he’d tear every ligament in his knee to jump on that ball. I get where he is coming from on this, most people, especially social media, won’t take this well.
  2. Is there another term better than grass?
  3. Now bring back grass on the field and we are cooking
  4. Hopefully next year they take him out of the booth bc he’s now an owner
  5. NDs injuries all season have added up, they are paying for it tonight.
  6. I think what helped him was the threat of him losing his job for good. Bringing in a qb that is better than Dalton to push Bryce is a must this offseason imo.
  7. No but he’s improving and that’s all that matters
  8. Just think, Harbaugh called US and we said “nah we want Frank”
  9. I assume there goes Carter and Graham now or do we still have a shot at one of them
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