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  1. Sports media, especially this show, are designed to feed the perpetual outrage machine. Don’t fall for it. It has no real power, and people will forget quickly. The irony is that if McAdoo (who has more HC experience than Wilks) was given the interim spot, no one would have ever batted an eye over this. Tepper gave an opportunity to Wilks that he never had to. If anything, Wilks’ career in the NFL was pretty much over. This revived his chance at another coordinator or even HC job.
  2. Might not mean much, but one of Jim's best friends and assistant HC at Michigan, Biff Poggi, is the new HC of the Charlotte 49ers.
  3. What a disaster. Nothing has gone as expected under this current ownership. The NFL made an incredible mistake selling this team to someone with 0 connection to the region.
  4. He almost certainly wanted a fully guaranteed contract and a raise. Baseball type money.
  5. This was legit the best possible outcome. We don't have to pay that massive contract and lose the draft capital and young players, and we don't have to deal with him in the division.
  6. It matters a lot. Tepper is a shrewd businessman before anything else. This franchise is bleeding support, and is struggling to fill half the stadium with fans of the home team. Fans need some reason to come to games.
  7. Tepper would likely take Cam over Rhule if it came down to it. He knows who puts butts in seats. There is no way he doesn’t start against Washington.
  8. He also had a fumble that was returned for a TD.
  9. That is Charlotte native, Butler High grad, and Charlotte 49ers legend Benny Lemay. Hope he gets a chance to play somewhere.
  10. That’s fine, but one county or city does not make a metro. The larger Charlotte area is a more populace area. A potential MLB team isn’t looking at one city or county alone. They are going to look for a market that can put 1,500,000+ butts in seats in a season. I don’t know if that is Charlotte or Raleigh.
  11. The Charlotte metro area still has nearly 500,000 more people in it than the Raleigh metro. Raleigh area is growing faster though and will likely catch up in another decade or so.
  12. Somewhere between Olsen and Dwight Schrute.
  13. The Texans may be the one organization stupid enough to try this. Get a King’s ransom for a player that doesn’t want to play for you anyways, or keep him against his will and watch him refuse to play.
  14. Prominent businessman and property owner in Shelby, NC. Owns the Deer Brook Golf Club there.
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