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  1. ​This will be amazing...or just so-so. But let's just assume it will be the greatest thing to happen in the history of radio!
  2. If I live to be 137 like Killer, I'll take it!
  3. It's the Internet. The only rule is there are no rules, man. Now, time to go pirate media content. I'm kidding. Maybe.
  4. Kroeger, not Kroger. Otherwise, I'd be a grocery store tycoon. Which actually doesn't sound half bad.
  5. This thread is the best if only for the fact that my name is misspelled!
  6. Let's try this again... So, to clear everything up...the whole thing started as a joke in reference to this from Marc three months ago: @marcjames: #Falcons #Panthers should be called the "MARC JAMES GAME". I revolutionized Sports Talk in #clt for 3.5 years. It was tongue-in-cheek and not a "cheap-shot" or "low blow." Marc has no self-awareness and doesn't know how to take a joke. He took the shot personally, completely oblivious that it was a joke directed at his self-absorbed comment before the Panthers/Falcons game. Either way, he went off the deep end and I fired back. I probably shouldn't have, but whatever. As for Primetime, we have 60,000+ listeners. Reality is I can't please every listener for four hours a day, nor will every listener agree with what we're saying. I never develop a topic or commentary to try and drive calls. Listen all day long and you'll realize we take the fewest calls on our show. I try to have an intelligent, informed conversation for four hours every day. I make a concerted effort to stay away from "hot takes" and knee-jerk reactions. As an aside, I swear I'm going to start being active on the forums more.
  7. So, to clear everything up...the whole thing started as a joke in reference to this from Marc three months ago: <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Really Marc? RT &quot;<a href="https://twitter.com/marcjames">@marcjames</a>: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcons?src=hash">#Falcons</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Panthers?src=hash">#Panthers</a> should be called the &quot;MARC JAMES GAME&quot;. I revolutionized Sports Talk in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/clt?src=hash">#clt</a> for 3.5 years.&quot;</p>&mdash; Jay Weezie (@Jay_Weezie) <a href="https://twitter.com/Jay_Weezie/status/549216794784059392">December 28, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> It was tongue-in-cheek and not a "cheap-shot" or "low blow." Marc has no self-awareness and doesn't know how to take a joke. He took the shot personally, completely oblivious that it was a joke directed at his self-absorbed comment before the Panthers/Falcons game. Either way, he went off the deep end and I fired back. I probably shouldn't have, but whatever. As for Primetime, we have 60,000+ listeners. Reality is I can't please every listener for four hours a day, nor will every listener agree with what we're saying. I never develop a topic or commentary to try and drive calls. Listen all day long and you'll realize we take the fewest calls on our show. I try to have an intelligent, informed conversation for four hours every day. I make a concerted effort to stay away from "hot takes" and knee-jerk reactions. As an aside, I swear I'm going to start being active on the forums more.
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