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  1. Welcome to Carolina! Better find a short-term rental.
  2. Awesome news! I can start watching Panthers games again... I mean if I don't have anymore damn leaves to bag. I never call my shot, but when he was signed over the summer, I knew this season was toast.
  3. This is what I'm talking about... the emotion in your post is obvious. Cam was a beast, but you think he took care of himself like Brady and RW? He was such a freak athlete he did it his way.
  4. People who constantly chirp "re-sign Cam", I have to ask, do you understand football? He's the greatest Panther QB ever, but he's shot. I don't understand why people are blind to that. If he took care of his body and didn't have the mileage, then that's a whole different story.
  5. I got through page 2 and had to stop. Whoever thinks Carolina should re-sign Cam needs to seriously consider drug rehab. Put the pipe down.
  6. Just heard Cowherd's opening rant. Whatever needs to be done, go get Russell. He's Brady-like with preparation and leadership. Yes, he's campy and has re-written his departure w/ NC State (he wasn't run off- he chose baseball); but that dude is all business. And he'll play into his mid 40s, barring injury.
  7. 24 receptions this year. I love Olsen, but his production proved he was done.
  8. I wanted to post this in the CP forum, but I can't yet. I should be working now, but I'm wasting time working on our SB party invite... check it out:
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