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ENC Pantherfan

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  1. Dude I only ask because I read an article today saying that Caleb Williams was so far ahead of every QB in this draft, and I'm sitting here thinking Drake Maye's numbers was just as good on an offense who basically relies a lot on Downs. I just wanted to see how ya'll think Maye compares tho this draft. I'm good with Young.
  2. It's kinda close but I would pick Maye. He literally carried a UNC offense by himself.
  3. IIRC did he leave the Saints game? I remember we still had a pass rush even without him.
  4. He reminds me a lot of Dalvin Cook, he was just underutilized in Philly.
  5. 2023 1st 2023 2nd (49ers) 2023 5th 2024 1st 2024 3rd Jermey Chinn Pat Elfin
  6. Have we ever had a year that this many HC jobs were still open this close to the SB?
  7. My money is on Quinn. He was a finalist last year. Id be shocked if they go David Shaw tho.
  8. Y'all were missing the most important question, how many here still has Frank Reich's jersey?
  9. After seeing this Phins/Bills game, I don't want Ken Dorsey NO MO
  10. If Tepper is "enamored" then this is already on shaky ground
  11. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/lowest-passer-rating-in-a-win-in-nfl-history#:~:text=6 teams are tied for,Giants on November 14%2C 1976. Anyone wondering if this is the worse QB win in NFL history it is not. A 0.0 rating in a win has been done 8 times prior, however this is the worst QB win as far as passer since Rex Grossman achieved a 1.3 QB rating on December 3rd 2006 vs the Vikings.
  12. That is beyond stupid. Just give them both a tie a move on.
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