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About AppStatePanther

  • Birthday 04/30/1987

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  1. Not sure about Hulu, I don't have it currently. Doesn't seem like it's worth watching anyways lol
  2. Google Nexstar vs Direct TV, it also affects AT&T Uverse customers.
  3. That would be where we watched the fireworks last July 4th. Dumbo by the pier. There's a really god pizza place a couple streets over.
  4. I would love to see Mandzukic as a red. His positioning is outstanding and he's a presence in the box. It will benefit the rest of the guys to have someone consistently available like that.
  5. Hey Sterling you are definitely worth 120,000 a week.
  6. Am I the only one that wouldn't be upset if sterling left.
  7. Thank you Brendan it's about fuging time you took Allen out and moved Can forward.
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