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  1. Who cares, I've been out on these boys. Always a fan but I'm way past caring. Carry on.
  2. 45/50 points wouldn't shock me.... Any secondary players coming back
  3. Atleast when the browns were this bad they had good drafts outside of qb. We just some poo
  4. Too much honestly but it's HIS team so ehhh. We just gotta see how it goes....
  5. The main issue in my opinion are the fans can't trust the people running the show. I've seen some horrendous basketball being a denver nuggets fan for 21 years but the difference is the last 8 years regardless of results as a fan I knew we drafted well and made solid moves. That can't be said about the panthers, which in return leads fans to jump off the season quickly.
  6. I like Bryce and he has time but most people knew Caleb Williams was better and more talented. But we didn't have an owner who wanted to wait another year or who wants a qb who can outshine him and all his money. But we'd have the same fans who didn't like showy Cam not like showy Caleb so it's probably for the best. IF Williams works in the NFL. Still alot of time for Bryce but the size is always going to be a question until shown otherwise
  7. Not in the slightest but I think it's a combination of getting older and having better things to do then watching the same poo year after year. From childhood until about 28 I watched every game but now in my early 30s it may be on but I don't care if I miss parts of the game. Getting older and other things in life aren't going to wait for you.
  8. As a life long panthers/denver nuggets fan atleast they won't disappoint me. Lmao, is what it is
  9. Guys who may have a connection with Baker? Kinda like Robbie Anderson having a great year with his FRIEND Teddy
  10. Please delete thread. Thank you
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