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About cvlngnir

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. I live in the Mooresville area. I have a small version of the old style metal antennae in the attic. The window mounted things are not great from where I'm at. I live in a grove of trees but with the antennae in the attic I get all the local channels to supplement the streaming services we have.
  2. At least it was exciting in the 4th quarter.
  3. Decline that. We got a tackle for a loss.
  4. Tackle drills all day every day this week.
  5. I'm missing my typical 3rd quarter nap.
  6. Moore always looks like he is getting up hurt. Giving me heart issues.
  7. Caff edit to see the refd in Grossi's "If the NFL was Scripted"
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