Fred G. Sanford
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This is like blaming cops for giving you a speeding ticket... The only guys who "get set up by a crazy bitch" for absolutely no wrongdoing... Are guys who choose to date/sleep with crazy bitches.
Sounds like Hardy interrupted the 911 operator during his daily heroin shot. Dude was useless.
Hardy wasn't scared of the chick... He saw those dollar signs going down the drain Looks like Hardy is only guilty of associating with the wrong people. Panthers aren't gonna wanna give him a big contract if he can't grow up and keep a better crowd. What the hell is he out partying at 4am on Tuesday anyway. You're not a 21 year old college student Greg, time to grow up.
. Which she didn't... You just contradicted yourself.
I throw my 60lb dog on the sofa all the time playing, pretty sure he isn't bruised. A lot of times physical violence between couples is more about asserting dominance, not actually trying to hurt someone. Greg could've easily thrown her onto a bed or pushed her into a tub just to assert dominance over her. Just because he didn't pick her up by the throat and body slam her doesn't mean it didn't happen. Also, it was clearly stated that she spent most of the night in the ER.
Unless she was attacking him with a knife or gun he still had no damn business putting his hands on her. Good thing it was at Hardy's house and not somewhere else. Letting someone walk in and see you physically restraining a screaming woman 1/3 of your size is a good way to get shot.
Nicki is covered in bruises and Hardy called the police and told them they were restraining her. How many facts do you need? Sounds like you're just waiting for anything to exonerate a football player.
Right, because a rich athlete with a long history of stupidity and immaturity has never gotten drunk and put his hands on a woman.
Your opinion is pretty fuging stupid.
"Had to be restrained"? Seriously? Lock yourself in a room and call the police. A 100lb drunk woman tripping over her feet to slap a 6'4 260lb man is not threatening to him. He put himself in that situation and then put his hands on her instead of moving himself away from the situation. And for the 100th time... It's not about money. Nicki is just as rich as Greg. I find it both embarrassing and alarming that so many men are rushing to justify a nearly 300lb football player putting his hands on a 100lb woman.
Nicki's family is worth more than Greg. She only "works" at Suite to party. She's had a silver spoon in her mouth for years. She doesn't need Greg's money, she gets whatever she wants. Dating him is more about a status symbol.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it... Hardy will not play another snap in a Panthers uniform if any of the allegations are found to be true. Jerry Richardson will tell Dave to get rid of him. Big Cat has stayed quiet and allowed Dave and Ron to run the team without interfering, but he won't let this go. He'll make sure Hardy is cut or traded. Hell, he'd probably pay him 13.1mil and tell him to stay away for a the year if nothing else. If any of it is true, Hardy is gone.
He has been an adult and professional for nearly 5 years. He isn't a child. You're dating a crazy bitch who goes off in a drunken rage at 4am? Instead of getting into a yelling/shoving confrontation with her he should've locked himself in a room and called the police. He's a big boy, time to take responsibility for his actions. He's in line to make more money than most people in the world could ever dream of. It's his own dumb ass fault for being out drinking all night with some immature chick.
Goodbye Greg.
Steve should just shut up and quit acting like a 15 year old girl who got dumped. He's throwing some pretty big stones in that glass house of his. Nobody knows what happened with Hardy. However, we do know that Steve has physically assaulted 3 teammates and admitted that his wife almost divorced him because of his violent behavior. I doubt he can say with a straight face he's never gotten into a physical or, at the very least, verbal altercation with his wife. Also, he stopped tweeting for several days after Carolina drafted Benjamin. Then he replied "not my concern" to someone saying the new guys would have to mentor Benjamin since he was gone. He's so butthurt.