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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Tldr version: Pats are confirmed cheaters, no one cares, someone cares, NFL don't care. Play ball.
  2. Why ? the rules are the rules. If you do not follow the rules you have broken the rules. Doesnt matter why you broke the rules.
  3. On that happy note - by the way mh - dont know why youre such a dick but you reallycan be - so you can put me onto your insult list if Im not already on there. I just saw a program on pbs a couple nights ago where they interviewed Chris McCandless s sisters and they basically said Chris ran away and died to get away from his dysfunctional crazy parents. Anyone who is adventure minded and a reader and hasnt read "Into the Wild" has missed a great book. Highly recommended IMO. Another oldie but goody is Bugliosi's " And the Sea will Tell ".
  4. For some reason I cant get any sound even though it shows its playing. trying to listen on my pc- dont have any thing else to listen on
  5. Hoping to see some of the Panthers running game of old and see a reason why we drafted Barner.
  6. Nice pic of delo and keek and nice catch of the bump Alverez ! Maybe all the talk of the players not liking g man is bs.
  7. I'm not dumb but I can't understand why she walks like a woman but talks like a man, oh my lola.
  8. You cant teach giant ass man .
  9. Brown is very fast - Hopefully that speed will make him a solid contributor as a kr/pr man because we dont have one now. I only saw one highlight of him returning a punt on that clip - did I miss something? Would like to see more highlights of his kr/pr.
  10. yep. I agree 100%. A message will be sent to the team that no matter who you are this off the field poo behavior will not be tolerated.
  11. Would honestly like to see the Greg Hardy stand up and own this situation instead of it owning him - turn him into a better man - make him a football player that every NFL manager wants.
  12. Cripes I know I am too old to be up on all the latest and dont follow twitter and all the social bs but that seems more than a bit of a stretch to me. Smitty a panther for 13 years seems to me to give him the benefit of the doubt an even if he has a opinion it is as valid or more so than any one who comments here as he shared a locker room with the guy.
  13. Can someone tie this into the Hardy situation for me? How does this tweet pertain to GH ?
  14. You should have used those dumb ass ski goggles he was wearing last year .
  15. Usually these things dont happen in a vacuum. You got to wonder if the Ealy pick broke off the long term contract negotiations frtom the team and Hardy blew a fuse.
  16. Gettleman is looking smarter by the moment for his second pick this year.
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