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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. ​I agree - how much of the season had to pass by last year before Rivera put the right guys on the field ? He is either too loyal to his " starters " and coaches ( you can argue that we lost 2 games due to special teams last year and Rivera refused to change until the seasons end ) , too stubborn to admit he was wrong, or maybe just poor at seeing the big picture and putting it all together. I like RR, but I am not comfortable with Rivera as HC.
  2. this worked so well the last time
  3. I heard an ex Patriot player on the radio talking about this - dont remember who it was but it was one from the 2003 team. he said bellicheat has a finger in everything that happens with the pats. He was also very pissed about not only this but spygate, saying that it taints all the hard work that he and most of his non cheating team mates put in.
  4. I dont think the cowboys have the cap room for Stewart.
  5. Is it too early to flex this game out of prime time ?
  6. hate to break it to you guys but youre setting yourselves up for a big disappointment if you think we have any chance of getting this kid.
  7. I still dont understand why a lot of huddlers still dont understand Gettlemans BPA philosophy. In other words you PICK THE BEST DAMN PLAYER AVAILABLE REGARDLESS OF YOUR NEEDS OR WHAT FANS WANT
  8. If nothing else he will be immediately an impact on special teams. You know how well our special teams were last season? They lost us some games.
  9. Is that the same prick who gave us a C minus last year for picking 5 eventual starters out of 6 picks ?
  10. Charcoal and I make my own. I also own a wood burning stove and 99% of my homes heat comes from it. All the fuels are home grown.
  11. I dont twit so thanks Gettleman Jack ! First real team news in forever.
  12. Matt Blanchard http://www.jsonline.com/sports/packers/packers-sign-former-whitewater-qb-matt-blanchard-b99481963z1-299950051.html
  13. After I saw that Tackle in the first from Pitt all I could think about was Otah.
  14. so you going to eat it or just pretend youre some sort of real man if you catch one ?
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