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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Imagine typing this out and then this is the final edit. lmao
  2. I find this scenario highly unlikely.
  3. What are our chances of hiring a decent head coach or GM now ? I mean who the fug would want to work for our asshat owner ?
  4. Fit is going to say he didn't see what happened.
  5. I have heard a bunch of you folks saying exactly this for the past few weeks. Well the circus has definitely come to Charlotte and the Panthers franchise today with our man child owners meltdown in Jacksonville. It can always get worse and as I said a couple weeks ago and still believe, we haven't hit bottom yet.
  6. Well it was top of the sports news on WRAL tonight- they showed the clip of our petulant child team owner
  7. thats a nice wish but Goodell wont do jack. Look how long he let Snyder go.
  8. hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahh cant stop laughing
  9. Unfortunately we have an owner which makes that design highly unlikely to happen.
  10. how the fug does an NFL starting qb not make that throw?
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