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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Only the blood plasma is being used or being experimentally used as a treatment. In addition to working at various jobs when i was young, I sold my plasma as a way of making ends meet to get through college. ( I know this must be fake news because all the boomers like me had it so easy way back when ) They take whole blood from you, run it through a centrifuge to seperate the plasma and put the red part back into you so you can give again in just a fraction of the time you normally would if you gave whole blood. I didnt think the needle marks on my arms would ever heal but 40 years later they have.
  2. All you need to do is look at the Johns Hopkins covid 19 map expand every day and see that this is not going away any time soon. Anyone who thinks restrictions anywhere in this country will be eased by a semi coherent state governor ( and I mean most likely a minimum of 2 or 3 months ) is fooling themselves. The pos in the white house can say what he wants and his lemmings can follow him over the cliff, but most governors are smarter than him and will do as science and health authorities say is the best course of action to take.
  3. It's extra tough in pollen season. My nose itches a lot . Ssure it's the same for a lot of folks.
  4. Last I heard from Dr Fauci on this is that he has seen no evidence of this.
  5. They also do not work in the most serious cases - like the ones where they failed to test to find out you had it, because they didn't have the tests or said you didn't qualify for a test, and the virus multiplies in your body because you aren't getting the drugs that might have helped earlier in the disease progression.
  6. There are going to be a poo ton of online purchases to truck around the country.
  7. Do you have a legit source for this information ?
  8. yeah they dont show any symptoms yet - or they could still get sick and die or not.
  9. Some of us dont have an extra $400 lying around to buy booze.
  10. Roy Cooper shutting down all bars and restaurants starting at 4pm today. https://www.wavy.com/news/health/coronavirus/north-carolina-to-close-restaurants-bars-for-dine-in-customers-allowing-takeout-delivery/
  11. Tell me where is this cash ? and why is Romney crazy? There are going to be hundreds of thousands probably millions of low income workers in the coming days, weeks, and months who have no way to pay for ANYTHING due to the loss of their jobs. if there is anything crazy about Romneys idea it is that is not qualified to a certain level of income - for the poor and middle class and that it is not nearly enough. $1000 will not pay a month of mortgage or a months rent in many areas of the country.
  12. Now is not the time to say hold my beer.
  13. Will also lighten the load on first respond ers.
  14. Attempting to basically shut down the drunken party crowd. Also why spring break cancelled in Fla.
  15. what the hell do they do in the summer and during xmas vacation and spring break ?
  16. time for Roy Cooper to step up
  17. Unfortunately the following snippets from a story in Washpo show what an absolute shitshow the fedgovt that is making the decisions is. The woman who wrote here first hand account is a former senior analyst with the RAND Corporation and has written about health systems in post-conflict environments.
  18. Don't know if it was you or someone else posted a pic of the gov of Oklahoma, but that right there is the problem we are facing. Idiots that have been voted into office leading people to their deaths and people too ill informed or too gd stupid to realize it. The thing that pisses me off about it the most is they are basically endangering millions of folks with their bs. When the dust settles from this some day, I hope they are brought up on charges.
  19. A lot of good information on this site https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/03/dont-panic-the-comprehensive-ars-technica-guide-to-the-coronavirus/#h1
  20. I just read that France has 300 plus critical care patients now from corona virus. Half of them are under age 50. let that sink in. It isn't an old people or boomer disease. It infects you whether you are old younger or black or white or Asian or Hispanic. Everyone is at risk and everyone can carry it to someone else - even if you do not get sick yourself. Yall want to willingly kill someone elses folks just cause you dont believe in science or think youre going to be immune?
  21. Its in Brunswick County - SE North Carolina - somebody that was sick with it flew into ILM and tested positive for the virus. Who knows how many folks on the plane or on the way home they infected. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/brunswick-county-person-who-tested-presumptive-positive-for-covid-19-had-traveled-through-ilm/ar-BB11bYHA
  22. Governor needs to shut down the public school system now.
  23. Everyone should read this article on the virus including civic leadership - very good information https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
  24. Did you know that more calories in and less calories out can result in weight loss ?
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