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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I dont think so but I've been wrong before. Seems I remember that when the music stopped playing and millions of folks realized their mcmansion wans't actually worth what they had been led to believe or ( borrow on perceived equity ) they decided to jingle mail the keys to their lenders rather than continue paying off a dead horse.
  2. Its not just Charlotte that prices are going crazy. According to the company I get my homeowners insurance through, my place has risen in market value by about $70,000 just since April 2020. Fairly scary to me - isn't this what ultimately led to the 2007- 2008 financial crisis?
  3. this was a e mail I get from Novant health so I have no link
  4. I got some of these. They appear to be cheap and high quality Amazon.com: KN95 - 5 Layer Face Mask (10 pcs) – Included on FDA EUA List - Filtration>95% with Comfortable Elastic Ear Loop | Non-Woven Polypropylene Fabric, Protection for Essential Workers: Clothing
  5. better not bring that to the litter box bro or youre in major trouble
  6. Are these the same guys who cried for Cam and the Panthers in 50 ?
  7. Remmers had nothing to do with 2 Sb losses. Trust me. Only the refs like in #50.
  8. I am trying to figure a way to make these vegetarian/pescatarian style. I have plenty of jalepenos from the garden in the freezer and was going to make poppers anyway
  9. And people giving Dan Morgan rations of poo because he was too soft ? lol. Dude had like 18 tackles in the super bowl and some idiots on here were calling him out.
  10. damn. brought back some memories I thought were long gone. And remember Dan Morgan on here with his coal fired pizzas ?
  11. Wasn't there a Survivor forum on here way back when?
  12. I don't know which team would be dumber to take this deal. Both c mc and Sha q are way overpaid.
  13. If this trade happens we will be one player away from sucking for several years. Should Watson get hurt we are fugged. This is insane.
  14. from what little online research I have done the kf94 and the kn95 masks are made in S Korea and China. They really do not put a crimp in the ability of health care workers to get the N 95's. The CDC also has info on their website about which masks they have tested andetc. International Assessment Results | NPPTL | NIOSH | CDC I don't go hardly anywhere myself. I do not go into stores unless absolutely necessary - I order everything online and groceries I get by online order - pick up in the parking lot. But this past week I had to take a vehicle in for a long overdue oil change and pick up some supplies at the local Tractor Supply in the parking lot. Friggin dumb asses going into the TS store maskless, store employees bringing my goods out maskless. Then I had to go into the auto shop to pay for my vehicle - sign on the door said masks required, I go inside and of course the employees are NOT wearing masks. Finally the guys at the liquor store are basically shoulder to shoulder out in the parking lot yucking it up with random customers ( everyone maskless of course ), then the abc employees pull up a useless gaiter mask when they re-enter the store I have to go inside in order to pay. With the new more contagious strains I think it is time to up my protection level where I can.
  15. Read an op/ed by an assistant proffessor of public health advocating for everyone to start upping their masking to one of the above. Thus far I have just been using a standard cloth face covering. Going onto amazon there are a lot of different choices - and a lot of different prices ranges. Just wondering what other members are using and where they are purchasing them. op-ed Opinion | Everyone needs N95 masks now. But here are the best alternatives. - The Washington Post
  16. I hope we don't do something stupid like trading a couple of firsts and the best RB in this franchise's history for an poor mans Cam Newton that we will have to pay a small fortune in salary to. Fug that - teams win by drafting talent not trading the farm for it.
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