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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. That may be true, but it is still a team sport and the rest of the team hasn't changed. And us moving down a few more spots in the draft with one or two more meaningless wins won't matter long term anyway right? Specially cause our inept management has traded away picks for all but useless players who won't be here next season. But at least superman is back. lol
  2. Well aside from the fact that it does nothing to actually help this team build a long term winning culture, nothing I guess. It's pretty much the same as a circus side show coming to podunk. Next week when the trucks pull out of town, you'll still be stuck in podunk watching the rest of the world go by.
  3. Lol. You are just the sort of mod I would expect for a Panthers fan site like this one. Tepper loves gullible fools like you and the rest of the huddle rubes gushing over " the return of Cam" while you ignore the shitpile that remains.
  4. It will be interesting all right. We have the same team except for one position. A worse o line than last week, same sorry ass OC, half ass special teams, and limp dick Rhule heading it up. I don't see Cam in his prime doing much to change the season for this bunch of losers, let alone Cam as he is now.
  5. Yeah. That isn't what anyone wants to hear right now but that sums it up. The Panthers are in worse shape than when JR owned the team and I don't see how anyone with a shred of reality can deny it. Team is completly rudderless and the clueless own, manage, and coach this team. We suck and will continue to suck for years to come. Eventually Rhule will get the axe and we will go into another rebuild mode while we wait for the process to play out again. Rinse and repeat. LOL.
  6. 42 seats ? that many ? wow. Great news for the home crowd.
  7. You realize we have a spending cap in the NFL ? You don't think all the dumb ass moves at qb have hamstrung this organization just a wee bit ? As well as the loss of draft capital ?
  8. fug off. I got it off the saints report where they are laughing their asses off at us as they should.
  9. I honestly think this was nothing but a feel good move by Tepper to attempt to hide his and the rest of his staff's incompetence in feel goods.
  10. This is how fuged up our teams ownership/management is. Right now we are paying Cam's replacement ( TB), paying Cam's replacement's replacement ( SD), and paying Cam himself to replace his replacement's replacement. It would be laughable if it wasn't so friggin infuriating as to how incompetent this team is.
  11. He needs to start eating meat again or he will continue to fail.
  12. I would bet that social media posting has been more detrimental to folks careers than beneficial on average. Good for him.
  13. Vinny winning on Sunday after being signed on Tuesday as I remember was friggin great. I can still remember where I watched the game and loving it. ( on my little 24 inch crt type tv)
  14. Could Cam pull a Vinny style short week win out of his fancy hat this week ?
  15. Dude. You are undoubtedly the master of double entendre on this forum.
  16. At least the pats game is behind us. they basically single handedly fugged up 2 of Cam's seasons here in their cheating way.
  17. I really did not think it was advantageous to this team to bring Cam back - thinking long term. But now that he is here- I hope he fuggin raped the purse strings. As negatively as I feel about what this franchise has done since 2015 I personally dgaf anymore .
  18. I can not believe it happened so many hours ago and this is the first I have heard of it. # boomer awareness
  19. Forget who it was but he twisted the fug out of that foot.
  20. Remember it was the Pats who fugged up Cam s foot with the lisfranc injury and another year with the busted ribs. It's what they do.
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