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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Nice knowing germy bought into the sideshow.
  2. It all starts with Tepper and good luck getting rid of that turd.
  3. The whole team is sh it from the top down. So sick of the same old same old.
  4. Hard to throw it deep with a licorice whip arm/shoulder.
  5. Fyi Today confirms that cams shoulder is shot.
  6. Not having a Greg Olsen in the huddle with him is not going to help Cam either. I have no problem with rotating qb's if it is working and we are winning. If it turns into some sort of cluster fug then make a decision.
  7. don't know which is creepier - paparazi following folks around irritating them and making their lives miserable or someone posting stuff like this in the Panthers forum.
  8. I'm not sure, unless you have a job lined up, why you would want to move inland with the whole coast of North Carolina available. Or even the mountains over Asheville way as a strong second choice. But the Raleigh area ? What is the attraction ?
  9. I said in another thread yesterday that it seemed like Ef seemed much more confident and vocal about calling out protections - I can't remember Paradis being so loud and animated - Ef looked like a leader.
  10. I will say that he seemed a lot more confident and in charge calling out protections than paradis ever did. So better leadership there as far as I saw today from the recliner.
  11. Through one game anyway no doubt. Will let the season play out before I say we don't need a new center.
  12. The dude had a bit of a rough start on his first week with us against the aints but since then he has been money and topped it off with a 57 yarder last week in a loss that had nothing to do with his accuracy. He hit every kick he made today pretty much dead center. I'm feeling relieved about us picking him up - I think he has turned the corner on his past and I think he could make a solid addition to our team long term on special teams.
  13. I never understand why some of yall think its ok to to shiton someone on your team when they are down. Only certain someones for sure. Coaches, owners and management are a different story.
  14. I am certainly no o line expert but it looked like that to me by a long shot as well.
  15. I started a thread in the NFl forum today about the passing of Sam Huff, thought it would get Mr Scott moving- what is up with him ?
  16. I hope Michael is doing well and all his concussion symptoms are behind him.
  17. If you don't already know where the weak links on the offense are after watching the ongoing shitshow this season I don't know what to tell you. We basically have 2 players that are NFL quality players on that side of the ball, and none of the coaches are.
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