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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. This Coastie has some friggin cojones. That car is sitting on the edge of the falls- if you have ever been there ( I used to live about 15 minutes from the falls) you know how powerful that river is.
  2. Beither and sister in law bought some high prices purebred for several thousand dollars. Wound up with a dumb dog with health problems that cost them thousands more and counting. I guarantee you that they don't love that dog any more than I do my mutts and my mutts me. Nothing but a pathetic status symbol. Smartest dog I have ever seen, was a lab chow mix given to me by a couple of loser red neck neighbor s who were going to take him to the pound. Smart and loyal as hell. That dog would have ripped your throat out to protect his family. Frankly folks who perpetuate breeding when so many deserving animals die for lack of a home makes me sick.
  3. dumbest poo I think I have heard for a long god damn time. Rhule is a fuggin idiot. and so is Tepper if he doesnt fire him before seasons end.
  4. Dude has a contract for 70 millions of dollars. he ain't sweating poo.
  5. Not sure why you are so sure of that. I think there is a very good chance we are going to see Rhule here next season - at least till midseason.
  6. Can't disagree with any of that,unfortunately the shitshow started at the top of this organization and I don't see Tepper going away any time soon.
  7. Then why did it take almost a full week for rhule to figure it out? Something is fishy about this firing and it doesnt give me confidence that Rhule is going to get shitcanned. ( this year)
  8. I think this means that we are stuck with Thule for another year.
  9. Good,don't give a rats as s at this point on to the draft.
  10. About fuggin time. Now on to Rhule
  11. I agree and have said it in various threads. So many huddlers believe we have great talent here. The reality is we don't. We are weak in damn near every offensive position and not much better off defensively which has been proven when we play better quality teams.
  12. Yeah, they were hell on wheels yesterday. So deadly they killed any chance of us making it to the playoffs.
  13. He isn't doing the same thing, He's DOUBLING DOWN. Its going to be twice as fuked up.
  14. I can find nothing do disagree with that the op mentioned. My enthusiasm for the Carolina Panthers has been completely gutted and burnt to a crisp over the last 3 seasons.
  15. Cam played like poo today and so did the rest of the team. Facts are facts. like a lot of others on the sideline he looked like he did not GAF and that does not set well with me.
  16. Did you watch the game today? The o line sucks but Cam is now ass as well. Fits right in with the Carolina Panthers model. And only costs a million and change a game.
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