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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. McDermott had these dudes ready to kick as s and take names.
  2. 11 month contracts for all incoming coaches.
  3. Forgive me if I have little actual sympathy for guys that hitched their wagon to a falling star and will still pocket more money than I could ever dream of making. Drafted guys are a different matter.
  4. Not only that but the years of forward damage rhule will inflict. That concerns me more than his failure in the coming season.
  5. I think rhule is having some sort of breakdown.
  6. yeah I read that tweet elsewhere this afternoon. Frankly I think it is all bs and the die has been cast. Rhule will be here as head coach next season.
  7. I wrote them an e mail earlier in the season to voice my displeasure. I never heard dick back so why bother again ?
  8. As an addendum to #5. Is it the money or your ego ?
  9. Nope. I'd prefer he gtfo. This sh it is rotting from the head.
  10. Unless of course you believe that they are going to be replaced with worse coaches, like I do.
  11. dumb scapegoating. Who hired these guys to begin with ?
  12. Someone needs to put this on a billboard on the way to BOA so tepper can see it on his way there.
  13. I'm not attached to any of this team any more. Let them all walk and let's start over.
  14. Names out there for oc arent coming from Rhule. Lol. non qualified Butt buddy incoming.
  15. Someone needs to ask this fool how we are going to invest in offense when he has traded away picks and paying non producing players .
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