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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. It is slowly dawning on me that this team is beyond help, maybe for forever.
  2. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Dry as I can remember down east here as well. Going to be a tough spring/summer here if it stays like this and I worry about fire season.
  4. You never had milk toast ? One of my go to hangover breakfasts with some yogurt on top.
  5. Dude looked pretty great last night to me. 21 for 25 , no turnovers 7 td's.
  6. Who knows what a rockstar OC is in the heart of men ? TEPPER KNOWS !
  7. Anyone who thinks our center and guard positions don't need a huge upgrade didn't watch games very closely this year. Huge mistake to stick a rookie qb behind our line as it is.
  8. Belicheat is likely very well past his prime as a NFl coach. Dude is pushing 70 and he lost his meal ticket in Brady.
  9. Yeah- left McDermott with his hand out and was a rude bastard as usual.
  10. Of I was McDermott I'd sit as many starters right now as possible.
  11. McDermott not taking his foot off the gas. Go bro!
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