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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I fail to see where all the Fitterer love comes from. But then most of the huddle morons loved tepper and his brass balls bs when he took over, saying what a huge step up it would be over old man jerry. Fast forward to now and you see how that played out - never had a winning season.
  2. above quote from the article - this is what i said in the " confusion" thread from yesterday These guys didn't look like they had even practiced as a team. They looked like 11 random dudes on either side of the ball, whose names were picked out of a hat before the game and decided to take the field.
  3. These guys didn't look like they had even practiced as a team. They looked like 11 random dudes on either side of the ball, whose names were picked out of a hat before the game and decided to take the field.
  4. This whole team of ours seems to move in slow motion compared to the Browns
  5. The writing is on lthe wall. Another awful Panthers season ahead.
  6. Pretty sure dex retired and let Capt take over for him a few years back
  7. Paging Zod for a magic mushroom reaction for saxman posts
  8. I won't predict the score but I think the Panthers get beat tomorrow. This team of ours isn't nearly as good as we think.
  9. You may want to check with your county and see if you need to get a permit. They could make your life miserable if you need one and build with out it.
  10. Didn't happen that way. Bean was hired by the Bills in May and Gettleman was fired in July of 2017.
  11. Well one thing you can tell from the above post. Being a meat eater doesn't make you any smarter.
  12. I had a dog that lived next door to me some 30 years ago who would push open our sliding glass door and come into the house to visit my female hound and help himself to her food. he could also open doors that had door knobs. We wound up rescuing him from the red neck idiots that owned him. He was two years old at the time and had never been to the vet and was full of heartworms and had never had any vaxes. He was the most loyal and smartest dog I have ever had. Half chow and half black lab. I miss the hell out of him. Pic is of him on the sound one day when in his golden years.
  13. I know they are west coast teams, just strange they would schedule all of them in a row.
  14. yeah thats almost a million a game.
  15. For $64 million I expect a hell of a lot out of a guy. But hey thats just me.
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