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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I read about this yesterday. And thought the same thing. Such dumbassery. Surprised a judge even agreed to hear the case.
  2. checking in for the hilarity. yall having fun ?
  3. I will be checking in from time to time to get some laughs
  4. Maybe rephrase it to Goodell is delusional.
  5. Pretty sure the canfora prediction on cmc was said way back here
  6. I also know that things won't change until tepper feels the heat of reduced revenue and the wrath of the fans. So yeah it kind of pisses me off that folks are keeping that cash stream going for him and supporting the poo show.
  7. This team isn't worth ruining anyones liver over.
  8. To keep watching the ongoing shitshow and being tepper and rhules bitch ? Just wanted to find out cause I was out after the first game this year, although I occasionally tune in for a minute or two here or there for lols when the mood strikes.
  9. Tre Boston needs to worry less about his Panthers fail, and more about his own future.
  10. this. Just make a clean sweep of it. Wish we could start with a new owner as well.
  11. Not directed at you, but I remember all the slobbering here on the forum over tepper and his brass balls fame. lol
  12. If rhule is here next year we will be going for a defensive back with our first pick.
  13. I agree and said essentially the same thing in another thread.
  14. Is there no other un employed ex NFL running back sitting somewhere on a couch at home that wouldn't be an upgrade on this guy? I just don't get it. He is beyond awful and I can only imagine that he has some sort of dirt on rhule and that is why he is still playing for this team.
  15. I dont skip anything for the opportunity to watch this unending shitshow anymore.
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