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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Which makes me wonder why anyone has hope or optimism when things really haven't been upgraded. Wilks is a place holder unless some sort of actual supernatural miracle occurs.
  2. I am happy for those who are optimistic. But you can not make chicken salad from chickenshit, and that is currently the state of this team top to bottom. A total dumpster fire. Enjoy the game this Sunday you optimistic and hopeful folks. It looks to be a beautiful day here on Sunday and I will not be wasting it on this year's version of my favorite professional sports team. I may tune in for a minute or two later in the game to get some laughs.
  3. Ron telling the truth hurt some hu ddlers feelings and a NFL failure. Boo hoo.
  4. I wouldnt want to be a temple/baylor player on this team right now.
  5. LOL, You act like he had nothing to do with Rhule being hired, or keeping rivera around logner than necessary and can I add Hurney?.
  6. Yeah, I can't say I was thrilled with the Fitterer- Quinn comment either. however it would probably be an upgrade to either Rhule or Rivera.
  7. He argues pretty convincingly that we have no shot at Payton and On Steve Wilks and quite a bit more more here Who will be the Carolina Panthers' next head coach? - The Washington Post
  8. Bills fans talking about possible CMC pickup Bills have contacted Carolina about CMC - The Stadium Wall - Two Bills Drive
  9. Is the panthers web site going to have a replay video available of this?
  10. Put the word out we are taking bids. The Bills can't be the only team interested.
  11. Yeah i would not be a bit suprised to see his name on the fired list today, in fact I will be more suprised if it isnt..
  12. touching ................. myself cause I am so damn excited!!!!!!
  13. you were the ex assman, so it figures that you were in for anal sex in the wrong state correct ?
  14. tepper playing 4d chess with rhules mind. The plan is to put enough pressure on that he quits and voids his current contract. Rhule will be here for a while yet.
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