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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. let he who has not once huffed cast the first stone
  2. I thought intubated folks had to be put in a coma and kept in that state? Its not like the guy even if improving is going to sit up in bed or anything as long as he is intubated.
  3. I'm sure Tep could find a spot for Fit in the organization
  4. you think that was tough as a die hard fan, you should have been around in 2003. just another reason to not get mentally wrapped up in this poo.
  5. Sorry for your loss hepcat. You are correct. In the grand scheme of things this team, any team really, means nothing and probably will be the absolute last thing any of us thinks of as we lay on our death beds. I stopped caring so much what the Panthers do and stopped letting their misfortunes effect my psyche during the 2015 season after I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery scheduled for the day after the big game. That puts a whole new perspective on what matters in this world. And games for the vast majority of us just don't make that cut.
  6. Damn the peanut punch week that JNo comes back - coincidence?
  7. I hope he doesn't wear himself out before the game starts.
  8. Your other points are fair, but the only reason any of these last of the season games are meaningful in the least is the dumpsterfire of a division we are in.
  9. That team is a complete clusterfug right now. Russel Wilson has a dead cap hit of over $100 million dollars .
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