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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Sorry about losing your pets to coyotes. Several years back I was walking to my computer desk with a cup of morning coffee, looked out the front window to see one of my cats facing off with a coyote about 3 feet apart - I keep a loaded .22 by the front door and I grabbed it and ran out the door yelling - by the time I started shooting the yote was in full flight - I got off about 5 shots - don't know if I had any hits or not but I know both me and the yote were a bit shook up at the least. It was about as close a call as you could get without losing a pet. As a qualifier I live in the woods on 25 acres of land - no neighbors in sight nor downrange of my shooting. I never willingly let my cats prowl out on their own after that, which if you know cats, is an undertaking. I had already put up a wood fence in my " backyard" for my dogs so I cat proofed it as well. Well mostly cat proof anyway, lol. That way they can still get out without me tending to them constantly and the kitten I posted a picture of above I have harness/leash trained.
  2. I found a lone kitten about 15 years ago wandering around in the median of route 17 just outside ILM. It was probably about 4 weeks old. Poor thing slept with me for the first 4 or 5 days and would curl up in my arm pit at night - just couldn't seem to get warm. I nursed it back to health with the advice of a very nice vet and found her a good home too
  3. Glad your kitten is doing well thus far sounds like youre doing the right things. I went through raising 5 newborns with a bottle during the pandemic. How and what are you feeding it? Best is the powdered formula - goat milk if you can get it is the best. Also very very important to keep a kitten that small warm so put a small heating pad in the box on low at first with the room to get off it if it gets too warm. She has no siblings nor mother to help her keep warm so ......... My sis had a very young kitten up in virginia a few years back she was taking care of that died on her- I'd almost bet it wasn't kept warm enough as she didn't know to use a heating pad. We got all of ours weaned and adopted out to good homes - here is a pic of me feeding the lone male ( that I kept ) at about 7 days old. And yeah I was always a dog guy, never a cat guy myself until one adopted me about 20 years ago.
  4. after reading a bit I think the dude was picked up as an enforcer. Been a long time since the Panthers had one. Goes well with the B Young pick if you ask me.
  5. Plays or did for the Cowboys. your dreams have been fullfilled.
  6. Yeah ABC had some fat KC tv actor on talking about himself instead. Usual lack of GAF about anything Panthers related.
  7. Thank goodness we have a billionaire owner who is also a football savant.
  8. This. He currently has all the freedom in the world. Why would he want to tie himself to the NFL ball and chain again ?
  9. Hey lets draft a qb smaller than Armanti Edwards !
  10. Unfortunately I read in an article some where that one NFL GM said bryce Yound has a "frail" frame. I don't know if that was just sour grapes talking or what, but I guess we are about to find out. If Young is the pick I am hoping for the best but, we should remember that Young is shorter than Armanti Edwards was at draft time and about the same weight.
  11. If we do take Young, I hope to hell we get him the best O line men possible and not as an afterthought.
  12. Wilso - 3rd round pick. Brees 2nd rounder. Tell me why they were second and third rounders and not 1st rounders? Cause they were small and teams didn't want to risk a 1st on them. We all saw what a good hit or two did to Cam's career. And we know how big and physically gifted he was in his prime. What would a hit or two like that do to BY?
  13. Cause the Panthers have a long history of bad decision making ?
  14. Dude isn't going to be able to take NFL level hits. If this is our pick I am going to be greatly disappointed I don't care how high his football iq is, he is tiny.
  15. Great news for you and your family. Best of luck with your recovery and hang in there.
  16. Actually no I do not. Never did when I was growing up and still don't.
  17. I've smoked stuff before that actually kicks in a bit later - not edible later 60-90 minutes, but maybe don't feel the full effect for 20-30 minutes or so - maybe that is just me. I know everyone is different.
  18. I'm curious as to what was " unpleasant" about the experience that you heard? From what I read the 8 has more of a mellow vibe associated with it than the 9 and seems that way to me as well - otoh maybe I am just feeling my expectations.
  19. Preciate the information
  20. I'm sure your are now in the doghouse if swmbo reads this forum.
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