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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I can't be the only one who hates listening to their self important drivel
  2. We have a regular 3-6 drownings per year in the Ocean and sounds here in the county where I live most rip tide related. Most beaches in the state are non life guarded and even on beaches where there is a guard there is a lot of danger of death due to rips. Remember to swim parallel along the shore if caught in a rip - eventually as you travel along the beach front, the rip will let up and you can get back to shore. And never get in the water near or on an inlet. Your chances of death by drowning go up there exponentially. The saddest stories are of family members trying to save loved ones and drowning along with the swimmer who was in trouble to begin with. Happens all the time.
  3. I have to admit, watching these videos it is difficult not to. Whoever is in charge of making them has some abilities.
  4. The talk about the coaching staff at this point is akin to how great everyone is looking in preseason every year. We can all hope for the best, but time and time again unreal expectations (preseason) about this team has disappointed the hell out of a lot of us Panthers fans. At this point I refuse to be sucked into feel good groundless hype.
  5. yeah and hes been in the NFL for 10 years, isnt getting any younger and already has had to resort to PED's to maintain a deteriorating game. Hard pass.
  6. Get mamma fixed as soon as the kittens are weaned or as soon as the vet says she can and then start your kitten adoption networking.
  7. Not sure about Holden - but would bet on B- county
  8. She's a cutey- good job LG _ I know its a bunch of work. Once she's weaned and using a litter box it will get a lot easier
  9. Pretty much the same exact thing happened to me when I was about 6 yo or so but I had a cousin who pulled me to safe ground - At first as I struggled they thought I was joking. Scared the hell out of me. Almost drowning because you don't know how to tread water or just float is about as good a reason to learn as there can be. Also if you are ever in the reverse situation you want to be able to help someone else if at all possible.
  10. I have a "mostly" Plott Hound who was the same way - she just loved those kittens and would get a bit too rambunctious with them. I honestly believe she thinks she is the mother of the little male kitten we kept. They sleep and play together and groom one another now.
  11. that isnt a terrible time - I don't swim for speed nor do I have any sort of great classic form in the water - I do a modified breast stroke on one lap and modified backstroke on the return and repeat. Bout the longest I swim is 45 minutes straight.
  12. As LG said earlier. I hate people. All my dogs and cats and two birds have all been rescues and over half the dogs came from an abuse situation.
  13. good for you. once I recover from hip replacement I hope to be swimming laps again this summer as well. Curious as to how long it took you to do the 100.
  14. You obviously dont live in my county. Contractors here are throwing up crackerbox mansions a mile a minute in all directions. I have no idea where all the supposed buyers are coming from.
  15. Me and my present hound took an dog obedience class some years back - the instructor kept King Charles Spaniels and hers were certified in tracking missing people as well as finding cadavers, sometimes in deep water from a boat. She had some incredible stories - her dogs actually helped locate the burial site of part of the crew of the USS Huron which was lost off the outer banks in 1877. All by nose and extensive training.
  16. You seem to like to draw a bit of attention to yourself as well. So I guess if the shoe fits.
  17. considering he totally whiffed on Rhule and co and wasted 3 more years of the franchise on an idiot and his minions and then fugged up a multi million dollar deal to build the team a world class training facility - that's enough to make me laugh at the notion that "he really hasn't been that bad" alone. Let alone keeping Hurney and Ron around and all the other blunders.
  18. Too much reality there for most of the huddle to handle the week after the draft.
  19. I get them on my game camera on a regular basis here at night - the incident with my cat was the first time I saw one in daylight and yeah we were lucky. You can see the second pair of eyes not following behind the first in this pic. Second pic is a bobcat - another reason I don't let my cats out on their own - I used to let my chickens out in the early evening not always while attending them till a bobcat got one and was gone before I could do anything to stop it.
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