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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. This has killed almost and according to some people more Americans in 3 months than the " kong flu" did in 2 years and this is just thus far when for the last 2 months things were pretty much shut down. But don't let facts get in the way.
  2. Thank the good Lord the mortgage is the only bill!
  3. By the way, I am a local farmer.
  4. Yeah.You can eat cold hot dogs under the bridge you and your family live under. Sounds great!
  5. Lol. All $1200. Yeah. That will go far.
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/05/13/fed-powell-coronavirus-recession/
  7. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  8. I am curious what field of work you are in that you are getting let go this late into this ? As well as the rest of you.
  9. You are correct sir. The wuhan flu was all a hoax. We knew it way back in january that it would all go away as soon as the sun came out.
  10. I saw that on PBS newshour last night. Mayor of LV is a fuging idiot. they asked her how they could social distance a casino and she basically replied " I don't know its up to them to figure it out "
  11. I think it ought to be free. Support it with some sort of tax just like roads/bridges etc. Maybe a small tax on internet sales or advertising or the like.
  12. you don't live in my neighborhood nor see what I see going on. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
  13. Read this to feel good about America and the sort of folks who still inhabit it https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/23/factory-masks-coronavirus-ppe/
  14. The next dozen years will belong to the folks that have actual hand skills and know how to do useful things like fix a car, farm/grow what ever, and medically help folk. The day of the internet egghead who only knows how to program internet games and the like, or talk sports and other non productive nonsense is probably over for the for seeable future.
  15. It wont matter when the unemployment benefits run out and dotard refuses to extend them. The ruling class has us right where they want us. Work or starve and go homeless. Throw a few more serfs on the fire so we can warm up our profit margins.
  16. And from what little I have read and know about it, we are light years ahead of where we were during those outbreaks medical technology wise as far as drug/vacs development.
  17. Lets see. You've come up with a corona cure ?
  18. I highly doubt that everyone at the party has had no contact with the virus. Just a gut feeling.
  19. Folks ( neighbors ) cross the road from me decided to have a family get together today. Bout a dozen cars over there as far as I can tell - looks like a family bar b q . Full up with babies to old timers. I guess they didn't see the news for the last month.
  20. Tinder box lite. Same insults, more oblique.
  21. I wonder who is going to watch the nuclear reactors ?
  22. Why would he do that when he is probably getting a cut ?
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