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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. yeah. I know. I'm soft as my bread, lol.
  2. I made my first loaf of bread yesterday and it turned out pretty darn tasty but ugly if I say so myself. Would go perfect w that soup.
  3. Jalapeno poppers made with soyrizo, mole pepper and cheese quesadillas, bean dip and salsa. All home made and all the peppers homegrown. Followed up w a few cheap beers.
  4. Ok I have the biggest insult of all. I bet she is too dumb to be vaxxed against covid.
  5. Look out, catsfan69 is going to show up and call you soft.
  6. Could have sworn I saw him wearing gloves in that vid.
  7. If it's on CBS it is broadcast over the air. If you're even close to a transmitte r you can get a cheap antenna and get the game for free.
  8. Any of these stations with a radio or check and see if they stream over the net. Panthers Radio | Carolina Panthers - Panthers.com
  9. Not sure why but I was reading this as Brenton Berson and about lost my dentures.
  10. Yep just come on down to the litter box when you want to peddle your vivid lies. No worries there.
  11. Gives a brand new meaning to dying to watch a game.
  12. Ten years ago the Panthers winning meant a lot more to me than it does now. I used to never turn off a game in progress and if I had to be away from the box I made dumb sure I had a good radio signal. losing a game left me miserable for the rest of the day. Now I take it as it comes and am not afraid to turn off the tube and go do something else if they are putting up another stinker. So to answer the question while a Lombardi trophy would be nice to see, it sure as poo ain t part of my bucket list.
  13. Damn dude. That is terrible. So sorry for you and the rest of his family's loss.
  14. Agreed. Cam is why Cam died on that hill. That and bellicheat doesn't suffer fools gladly.
  15. This natural disaster on top of the largely manmade one of ooc covid in that state - I feel for all those folks most especially the emergency responders and hospital workers who are already over stressed. As someone already said they are going to need a lot help from the rest of us after this. If you can afford it , find a good charity and donate to it.
  16. You are dumb. It comes through in every post you make.
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