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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. In previous bad years such as Weinke and 1 and 15 I'd at least listen to the radio call. I can't say I have the enthusiasm even for that anymore with the state of this organization and the consistent mediocrity at best.
  2. By the time the lie eee learns the truth its too late ?
  3. Massive package is how I describe myself on dating sites.
  4. You are high enough bro. Go to bed. His hires so far have set us back at least two years. That in addition to keeping Marty Hurney around for a couple extra years which cost us more in cap and what we got in draft pics and trades.
  5. Overfishing, and the fish are getting smaller. My takeaway.
  6. I have been there and done that. Back in the John Fox? Richardson days you would get some sort of reply- maybe even an auto pen autographed team photo or something. These days nothing. NOT A FUKING THING. NOT EVEN A REPLY VIA E MAIL.
  7. Sorry for the semi snide reply, but caring and being able to execute are two different things. That is all I was trying to say. He cares to make a poo ton of cash in pro football dealings, most probably will ( money begets more money ), but I do not think he has the smarts to have a perpetually winning franchise with the Panthers. Or possibly even a winning franchise period. And I think winning to him probably means more money wise than actually winning games.
  8. I think Tepper is more fuggin greedy and tightfisted than most folks think. I look at public giving by Michael Jordan compared to tight fisted fat fug tepper and see tepper as the loser. I think hed sell this team down the river if he could make a dime on it.
  9. Doesn't matter a wit if he cares for all in the world if he is too arrogant, blind, ignorant, hardheaded, or plain stupid to see and do what should be done to make this team into a long term winning franchise.
  10. Um no. Rhule is Teppers kind of guy. Rich ( now by most standards) , and a fat fuggin slob.
  11. Much as he needs to go I still don't think Tepper will make the move this season. Maybe half way though next year when it is undeniable how lamebrained Rhule and co. are. I hope I am wrong because another off season of this coaching regime will cripple this team for more years to come. BTW I also hope Fitterer is out on his ass as well, but that is even more unlikely.
  12. Paa Langfart

    14 Peaks

    Inspiring story of a Nepalese man who makes the seemingly impossible, possible through his and other folks will power and hard work. On netflix. If you like the mountaineering genre not one to miss.
  13. We have got to go best offensive lineman available. It makes zero sense to draft a q.b. Only to turn him into David Carr.
  14. Yeah I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the Bills and Bucs play on Sunday. We aren't even close to being in the same league.
  15. I think with 50million being part of the equation it will be enough to tip the scales in to keeping dirty faced matt for another season.
  16. Been in the area since the 80's. For about 20 years I lived right off Pages Creek with access to the prettiest water and best beaches on the coast like Hutaff Island. I'd go fish up a bushel of oysters or 100 clams out of the sound in about an hours time. In the summer there were hundreds of sand bars with all the privacy you and your better half could ever hope for. Once Interstate 40 opened the place began to change and not for the better. The waterways and sounds became overrun with idiots on jet skis and fools with dual 200 hp engines hanging off the back of a boat 4 times bigger than they had any use for. With all the development there were so many sewage spills into the various creeks, you had to go farther and farther away to find shellfish beds that weren't closed. Traffic on the roads during rush hour became an absolute nightmare. I got the hell out about 15 years ago. If you like it now you would have loved it back then. I go back from time to time and it about breaks my heart to see what all of New Hanover County has turned into. Huge/beautiful old farms turned into mega shopping districts, Mom and pop marinas turned into condos and rich folks 4000 square foot houses by the sound. You can call it progress if you want. I never would.
  17. fuging idiot. Play till the whistle.
  18. Wilmington 30 years ago yes. Now - it sucks ass. Too congested too many yankees too much development.
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