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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Maybe Marshall dirty dicked rhules coffee or something?
  2. No, maybe not but the cumulative effect makes it worser.
  3. More like an old dried out hair ball the cat threw up last year and you just found behind the couch.
  4. already 70 degrees here down east NC. I am not going to be spending this afternoon watching the shitshow inside on television. Gonna be sitting in the sun with the game on the radio, pounding some cold Lagunitas.
  5. Will not happen. This is going to be a beat down of epic proportions today. I think BOA stadium will be empty of all but Cam die hards and Brady ball suckers by the end of the third quarter.
  6. Last time it snowed here at my place bout 10 years ago
  7. Why would this team keep a guy that has hands around?
  8. Talking about a shitshow. Yep thats us.
  9. No doubt in my mind we get beat to hell
  10. Coaching would make the difference if it was a toss up. It wont' be even close. Our team is weak from top to bottom.
  11. When i saw the Bills and Tampa play last week I knew we were in deep trouble today.
  12. Lol. digs making Gilbert look like garbage the day after we extended him
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