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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. What do you think the chances are that rhule gets shitcanned at all this season? I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling that he's gone at all.
  2. I get the uncomfortable feeling that rhule is going to be with us for another season iff Tepper doesn't fire him tomorrow after this announcement.
  3. Anyone who doesn't have a conflict of styles with rhule is at this point highly suspect to me. I doubt Fitters gets fired this year and don't feel good about rhule going away either,but imo neither deserves to be kept for another season.
  4. You almost have to wonder if this move isn't more malevolent than stupid.
  5. Maybe when I read about them. After the first I am going to be doing something more constructive than watching the matt and sam shitshow.
  6. If Tepper doesn't fire Rhule at least by the end of this season I have no reason to trust him or his judgement as an NFL owner.
  7. I am hoping the ops original post is true. It might make sense that Tepper already told Rhule he is gone and at this point it is just a matter of the lawyers deciding how much of a golden parachute Rhule is going to walk away with.
  8. The plan is working. You just can't see it.
  9. I am beginning to believe Tepper hired a psychotic as head coach.
  10. We got people making threads trying to convince us to watch Sam another season.
  11. wondering if motocross has ever worn a helmet when he's doing his ridin
  12. if you dont fire this fool at half time you are an idiot.
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