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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. We need to take out like a full page ad in the Observer and ask our own tough questions as fans if tepper is too chickenshit to face the press.
  2. I'd rather they bring in someone from outside this organization to do the picking.
  3. When you don't have a qb who can pass the ball or an o line who has the ability to protect him, what is left ?
  4. I asked earlier with no responses- maybe youll bet one.
  5. Showing the Pittsburg game now here in SE NC. Fitting end to this shithole season
  6. This report makes no sense. I mean how long do you give rhule to find someone? One day? A week? If you aren't contacting candidates to replace rhule on day one you are already behind the 8ball. Tepper at least knows that much.
  7. TBH I wouldn't miss any players on this team if they don't come back. Even CMC has lost his luster for me. I'm really fed up.
  8. I got one of these gadgets to try to use up excess zuchinni and squash during the gardening season and actually like the end product better than spaghetti or pasta noodles. Is also healthier. I think Lowes foods sells the noodles themselves.
  9. Mick is if nothing else amusing to listen to. I might have to turn down the tv sound today and listen some on the radio.
  10. Does anyone wish we had kept him and simply changed GM's ?
  11. I have no doubt about that, nor do I that offering to shave an employees legs for her or a random racist shout out is even the tip of the iceberg in NFL ownership ranks. JR just wasn't part of the real club.
  12. I have been watching every Panthers game for years. Before that when I had to work I would listen via PRN. If rhule is kept around for another season I might tune in one or another occassionally, but not as a habit and certainly not as a fan any longer.
  13. Simple math. Snyder is worth about $4 billion, Richardson less than half of that.
  14. Seriously who the fug would cheer the shitshow rhule has made out of this franchise? Is this article some sort of joke?
  15. holy mother of God, this is too much
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