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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Never saw so many batted down passes in my life. not even with stud clausen
  2. wwell we got one guy on the team that rhule hasnt ruined anyway
  3. Historically there are more people who die as a result of the storm after it has passed. From driving through flooded roads to CO poisoning to chainsaw and other accidents.
  4. In 1998 when I lived just north of ILM hurricane Bonnie basically sat at the mouth of the cape fear river for hours and my house was in and out of the eye numerous times that evening - made it tough to sleep - Florence was another slow mover - took about 48 hours for it to get in and out of here and I recorded over 26 inches of rain. Those are slow movers. I can take the 10 mph clip Ian is currently moving.
  5. Projected path keeps moving east with every NHC update. Might end up close to the state line at this rate. And the hurricane warning has been extended up to Cape Fear.
  6. Storm keeps jogging east and looks like its already getting stronger again- - Hurricane warning for whole of SC coast now- I expect by 5 pm it will extend into NC 11 am from NHC The storm is moving northeastward at about 8 kt. Ian has stubbornly gone east of the track forecast for the past couple of days and has moved back over water faster than expected. A mid-level shortwave trough moving southward across the southern United States should turn Ian northward overnight and north-northwestward on Saturday. The official track forecast is shifted to the east, consistent with the latest consensus guidance. Ian should move over the Gulf Stream tonight and tomorrow for a longer period of time than previously anticipated, which should maintain Ian's central convection. Additionally, an increased pressure gradient on the northwestern side from a stationary front near the southeastern US, should provide a boost to the wind speeds on that side of the storm. We now expect Ian to become a hurricane again by this evening. As the system approaches South Carolina, Ian should maintain this intensity, and Hurricane Warnings have been issued for the entire coast of South Carolina. This scenario is consistent with the global and regional hurricane model guidance. It is worth noting that Ian is forecast to have atypical structure when it nears the southeastern United States, and strong winds will extend well ahead of the center, even on the northwestern side.
  7. My place was without power for 10 days after Fran and I was on a well so no water either except when I ran a portable generator. It was a Florida Power and Light crew who finally restored electric to my place. The whole neighborhood was cheering those guys on and bringing them cold drinks.
  8. According to weather underground it is supposed to be only a 60% chance of light rain by game time.
  9. Yeah as many hurricanes as I have been through I was always more frightened of the tornadoes. When I lived up in ILM I had one go through my back wood lot during Fran.
  10. The forecast intensity is raised to 135 kt at landfall, and we are now forecasting a catastrophic storm surge of 12 to 16 ft from Englewood to Bonita Beach, Florida. No other significant changes were made to the forecast. The above from an intermediary NHC update at 7 am. They are expecting a surge of 12-16 feet- those folks got to get out now while they still can.
  11. That is some low damn country in there and all the sea islands as well. Even a reduced strength storm will hit them hard. ventusky is an interesting site and now one of my bookmarks
  12. looking more like what you said last night - potential track keeps moving east
  13. No sense in me planting any winter rye now as it will all be washed away
  14. not sure where that information comes from but as of 8 am today the NHC has it staying inland - of course that may change
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