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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. And I thought I had found some good weed ...................
  2. I think it must have been when he attacked me in the tinderbox because I was attacking the guy who repeatedly was wishing death on me. Yes I'm sure that was it, lol.
  3. Yes there are many mysteries in the universe that mankind will probably never be able to grasp.
  4. I may be misremembering but when Wilks took over the defensive coordinator position during Ron's reign the defense took a huge step backwards didn't it? I mean if you are in over your head in your specialty why would you make a good head coach?
  5. Don't remember who said it on here but Wilks is the poor man's Ron Rivera. No thanks.
  6. cause our d looked so stellar out there today? that what you are basing this on?
  7. For a guy who is a defensive minded coach, how did this team look so bad on d today ? Against MITCH fookin Trubisky for god's sake!
  8. Call me crazy but I think we put up 30 points and win by at least 10.
  9. I don't want to see either geno smith or wilks here next season.
  10. And now that cm c is gone I hear Nick Goings is available.
  11. Much as I like wilks I think like Rivera, the game has passed him by.
  12. If geno smith can have a great year 10 years in why can't Darnold get better?
  13. I was hoping to see the Bills but they had the great old thursday night game this past week so I will be watching my lawn mower suck up leaves.
  14. Yeah the game thread today only went about half o r less of normal. We can expect all sorts of bizarre pronouncements in the coming weeks trying to troll up the numbers.
  15. He's cute all right . In that "bum that just fell off the sh!t wagon" sort of way."
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