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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Pretty cat. And I wouldn't say that just cause you found him in a bad spot he can't be a rag doll or other high bred type. Cats can be notorious for getting themselves lost from their original owners and as you know not all owners are deserving of their pets either - My snowshoe siamese was about the prettiest cat I've ever seen, blue eyes and all and he just wandered in one winter looking for a home, half starved, as a full grown adult. Have you had yours checked for a chip ?
  2. I am pretty hard on my cell phones- I've always carried flip phone and my most recent 3 have been military grade tough against water and dust/dirt and drops. I have to find something new and think it might be time to upgrade to an actual smart phone. I am wondering if any of you out door work or outdoor a lot types have any experience with them and what to look for?
  3. I own several LI type tools in addition to the usual electornics- I don't charge them overnight either - nor leave Li electronics plugged in when I leave the house -
  4. must have been different parties from those I remember
  5. What were those things you were lauding called? Lightning in your cerebellum or something like that ?
  6. Loved it when smitty made the comment about 2 minutes till the half something to the effect - " we got some great halftime highlights for you" . I about fell out of my chair laughing.
  7. Its just preseason folks , it doesnt mean anything it is all vanilla. el oh el omg this is bad
  8. Had them all around us all day yesterday in SE NC- I finally had to ask swmbo to turn off the emergency alert notifications on her phone.
  9. Isn't this on par with last year when all the great huddle foot ball minds claimed that preseason really wasn't indicative of what the regular season was going to look like? That once regular season kicked in things would be completely different ?
  10. I have seen 4 big flood storms in the last 30 years in Eastern NC that I can think of off hand - Fran, Floyd, Mathew and Florence- the climatologists have said this sort of lingering storm is going to become more and more frequent with AGW- and guess what? It makes absolutely no sense to me to keep tempting fate with development where development should not be allowed. I guess there is too much money to be fleeced off unsuspecting newcomers to do any different.
  11. I guess here in SE NC we might get to see how wise it was for the various county " planning" boards and county commissioners to let out of state developers come in and clear cut/bulldoze thousands of acres of wetland and put up thousands of housing units while allowing for storm water retention for 25 year storms ( which wouldn't even handle an above normal year of precip). Friggin idiots.
  12. Coastal Georgia, Eastern SC and Eastern NC - get ready- this is aiming to be a very slow moving soaker- characteristics of Matthew or Florence a few years back. Possible catastrophic flooding Ventusky - Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps from NOAA 5AM advisory Across portions of southeast Georgia, the coastal plain of South Carolina, and southeast North Carolina, 10 to 20 inches of rainfall, with local amounts to 30 inches, are expected through Saturday morning. This potentially historic rainfall will likely result in areas of catastrophic flooding.
  13. People actually waste their time going to see this team practice?
  14. Pretty sure the teams spam bots are paying germy some pretty good money to spam a lot in here. After the last half dozen seasons its the only thing that keeps the lights on in here.
  15. until you yourself actually come down with one of the disadvantages that they decide not to cover. Like I said - they make it all seem great with little perks that basically cost them nothing because most people don't take advantage of them. A retirement specialist is warning seniors to prepare now as Medicare Advantage cuts are likely to come during the next year. Bob Carlson, an attorney and accountant who runs Retirement Watch, a monthly newsletter and site on retirement planning, wrote in an article for Forbes that Medicare Advantage plans will be cut as the federal government looks to reduce its spending. Carlson said Medicare Advantage plans tend to be popular because they generally have lower costs if you are healthy and can bundle supplementary insurance and drug coverage options. They also tend to be more profitable with insurers. Still, the federal government is looking to curb its costs by reducing Medicare Advantage options. "Reduced payments to Medicare Advantage sponsors are likely to cause changes in the plans in 2025, such as higher premiums, copayments, and deductibles as well as reduced coverage," Carlson said. "The areas of cuts will vary by insurance company and even down to the individual plans," Fong told Newsweek. "We are either expecting higher copays or lower extra benefits which include health foods grocery, dental, vision, hearing, transportation and any non-Medicare covered benefits." Medicare Advantage Cuts Coming This Year, Retirement Specialist Warns (msn.com) from the linked article - They also tend to be more profitable with insurers. hmmmm, I wonder how those good hearted insurance companies do it?
  16. Far as I know you have no choice but to have the money removed from your ss check and is always a mystery to me why younger folks think medicare is " free". Not only do you or your employer pay in advance your whole working life, but you continue to pay monthly " premiums" until you die once you start to draw ss.
  17. There is a reason that if you watch any television that there are so many medicare commercials with old folks tottering around confused. It is a money making racket. The medicare insurance companies will buy you $50 worth of aspirin or " healthy" foods" a month through special stipends ( while gasp you pay nothing extra other than your approximately $170 a month removed from your social security check ) , but when its time to get that new drug that could save your life or that surgery - good friggin luck. You need pre approval from the insurance company. I know- I have seen it first hand. Traditional medicare is at least up front that they will pay for just about everything except your 20% copay and it is good for any health care facility- no pre approval needed.
  18. Zeke from Cabin Creek. When I went to high school , during the basket ball season the gym teachers would show old 16 mm films of the glory days of WVU basketball - Jerry West and Hot Rod Hundley. Never met the guy but my brother in law who works for the university did and got a couple copies of his autobiography signed - he passed on a copy to my dad and I intend to get it some day. Was actually a pretty interesting story.
  19. wow. You know folks on the huddle are desperate when this sort of shi is being used to pump themselves up.
  20. Not only that but just properly maintaining a home is expensive as hell these days and the older you get, the less you can actually do on your own. Unless you have family in the area willing to do it for you, you have to hire someone else to do the work and that is not cheap.
  21. I can still remember watching that game - one of my favorite all time. It was a prime time game wasn't it?
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