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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. I am looking more forward to goofing off, drinking some cold beers, and eating football food Sunday afternoon, than I am about actually seeing the Panthers play. Just too many years of bad football to get excited about this team like I used to. And like another huddler mentioned I probably know less that half the current roster's names.
  2. Lee also became one of the fastest-intensifying Atlantic hurricanes on record, its peak winds increasing from 80 to 165 mph in a day. This rate of strengthening was the most extreme on record for any Atlantic storm east of the Caribbean, according to Kieran Bhatia, a meteorologist for the reinsurance brokerage Guy Carpenter. Only a few storms in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico have intensified more quickly. Latest track forecast for Hurricane Lee, briefly a Category 5 - The Washington Post
  3. Somehow most news stations fail to mention anything but the 5 day forcast which shows it headed right at the US. Shocking that they might put the worst face on something just to sell some viewers huh? But in Ventusky I trust. I think you sent me a link to it last year LD. Ventusky - Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps
  4. I wish we had taken the two firsts for him when we had the chance this past spring. I thought it was a dumb move not to.
  5. saw this in Washpo today and had to post it A capital summer: A visual journal of the region’s people and places - Washington Post
  6. Its looking like it may make it to a category 4 storm prior to landfall
  7. Looking more like a cat 2 or 3 impact to Florida
  9. He did a lot of good as an animal rights activist and was also a vegetarian "Bob's influence on the entertainment industry is indisputable, but what mattered to him most was using his voice and prominent position to protect animals. Of course, everyone is familiar with his 'spay and neuter your pets' sign-off on The Price Is Right -- a show where he refused to allow fur prizes -- but he was also one of the first stars to go vegetarian, more than 30 years ago," People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said in a statement. "He joined PETA in urging families to stay away from SeaWorld, demanded the closure of cruel bear pits masquerading as tourist attractions, implored Hollywood to take action to protect animals used in film and TV, and, as a Navy veteran, called for the end of military medical drills on live animals. "His generous donation allowed PETA to open its West Coast headquarters, the Bob Barker Building, in 2012, and it stands as a testament to his legacy and profound commitment to making the world a kinder place. To us -- and to so many animals around the world -- Bob will always be a national animal rights treasure." Legendary game show host, animal rights advocate Bob Barker dead at 99 (msn.com)
  10. Maybe cause I don't have a twitter account ?
  11. Not just yours Mr Scot, but is anyone else seeing nothing but broken tweets instead of the full tweet ?
  12. I usually don't even notice such things but did they change colors or is it just my lying eyes ? Was watching last night and they looked different.
  13. And wouldn't they wait to cut some of these guys depending on whether we can get an upgrade from another team's cuts?
  14. That sounds about right. But he may be entering a year of a sophomore slump and has already given up 2 in 3 series of play.
  15. Peter principle is in full effect. Tons and tons of nepotism as well.
  16. So you're predicting a dismal start to the season again ?
  17. How many sacks of our franchise qb does Icky have to give up before you guys would give up on Icky as a tackle and who to take his place ?
  18. Lol at the geniuses who say Dalton isn't better than Corral
  19. A good amp might get you over the hump. Televes build some good ones.
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