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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. No doubt that older individuals and especially those with any sort of dementia need to ALWAYS have an advocate with them when they go to seek any sort of medical treatment. Sorry to hear of your Mom's condition and that it did not have to be that way.
  2. I see NO reason to start young again - ever. We know what he is and is not capable of at this point and being a winning NFL QB is not one of the things he is capable of. Why keep attempting to make chicken salad out of chicken shite and destroying the confidence of the rest of the team and fans in the process? Why? The ego of one fat bald man ?
  3. ....... it puts the lotion in the basket ..........
  4. Think I am going to try to get my collards planted during the second half.
  5. Ok mods - its up to you- ban the Panthers bot right fuggin now
  6. lolololol wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. over under on our head coach whose name I cant remember being gone before December ..............
  8. Making David Carr into a star. Typical Panthers.
  9. When you think about it there are just too many distractions built into automobiles these days. All the computerized bluetooth satellite link backup screen seat adjusting wizardry that you can not even opt out of anymore and adds thousands and thousands of dollars to the base price of cars. I mean who has time or attention span to concentrate on driving anymore with all the bs other things to watch and try to keep track of? Its no wonder that teslas are killing more people than ford pintos did. I drove my folks pinto station wagon for years when I was a kid - you had less than half a dozen gauges to monitor and that included the speedometer, odometer, fuel gauge, and battery /alternator monitor. The radio was strictly AM and if you wanted to go hog wild, you knew a guy who could install an 8 track tape player and pair of $20 speakers for you under the dash board.
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