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Paa Langfart

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Everything posted by Paa Langfart

  1. Not starting Dalton next week at NO to at least make an attempt to win. Young has zero chance and we all know it.
  2. he's made his bread and obviously does not gaf win or lose - check out his after failed play antics. Feel sorry for the guy like Luvu and Thielen who do. and fug Tepper and his trophy wife. They could gaf about this team or the Carolinas either. In it for the Benjamin's.
  3. Worst qb drafted in the first two rounds by this franchise since Clausen. And this boob cost so much more.
  4. fug you. I feel sorry for the other dudes on the team that actually are worth a rats ass and have to put up with this loser at qb.
  5. Tuned in. Not surprised. JFC we are fukin doomed as long as tepper is calling the shots. Brycyey aint it and never was. Big mistake that set this team back at least 2-4 years.
  6. Am I the only one who has switched over to women of wrestling due to the entertainment value being much higher ? Pluss boobies?
  7. I just saw this - don't know if it has been posted elsewhere - did not see it in the op's initial post- if true Frank got fired because of Brycey. Bryce Young was drafted No. 1 overall this year by the Panthers, but the quarterback has since won just one game. Young’s performance is sharply contrasted by the No. 2 pick, Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud, who’s dominated the NFL this season with his top rated performances. So, when Panthers coach Frank Reich was fired last week, a question of whether Young’s rough rookie season had anything to do with the owner David Tepper’s decision about the coach came up. “Stroud’s early success 100 percent played into Tepper’s decision to fire Frank Reich. We all felt the pressure and frustrations,” a Panthers source told The Athletic’s Dianna Russini. “It’s hard to step in and carry the weight of a franchise, and Bryce has it harder than most here.” C.J. Stroud’s Early Success Played Part in Termination of Frank Reich, per Report (msn.com)
  8. Or wakes the hell up, but with his ego in the way I don't see it happening.
  9. If Tepper keeps fit and doesn't get professional help picking a new GM and head coach , I am absolutely done with this team, because it means he has learned nothing in 6 losing seasons here and apparently is incapable or not willing to do so due to his gigantic brass ego.
  10. Harbaugh's last stint here he was hired as a back up to Chris Wienke. Team went 1-15. Its got bad ju ju written all over it. No thank you,
  11. I ended up getting vintage/antique plastic ornaments because of our cats and no more hanging icicles. Those are 2 good looking felines.
  12. If nothing else call animal control or better yet your local humane society. Dont let her starve. Our first cat was a pregnant female who was slowly starving to death - found her eating bread a pizza crusts I was feeding my chickens. took her to the Humane Society, got her kittens aborted, her spayed and we adopted her. She lived in a little heated box I fixed up in my shop for her for a few years till she was finally brave enough to come live in the house. Ended up spending several thousand dollars to try to get her well when she contracted cancer from a bad Fort Dodge rabies vaccine. She was worth it and we still miss her.
  13. Yeah all panthers fans are fascinated because we are stuck with this underperforming little person for at least another season as our qb and in order to draft him we mortgaged a poo pot full of good players and picks which could have turned into good or great players if we actually had a gm who was as good as the last one we had.
  14. On the other hand, maybe by the time tepper was demanding RPO's , Reich had grown sick and tired of teps meddling and decided he'd had enough to basically tell him to pound sand.
  15. Should have just stopped there and not finished that sentence
  16. With all the other disasters this team has experienced since Tepper took the reigns its par for the course. What ever the worst course of action is for a positive outcome, tep seems to find it again and again. You almost have to wonder if the other owners knew that making tepper an owner would assure them of a weaker team in Carolina and that was the true reason Ben Navarro didn't get to buy the team.
  17. I said this way the fug back during preseason
  18. So just some rando dude claiming to be a former NFL " scout" or does he have some cred ? or maybe an axe to grind ? Seems you have a weird attachment to a twice failed head coach from here. I think Reich was in over his head here as in Indy. I just think fitter should have gotten shitcanned today as well if not before Frank.
  19. I had a speckled sex link hen named Thelma once. Named her after the character on the Andy Griffith show. Her roo hubby was "Barney." Thelma trained herself to come into our house through the 2 way cat door. She wWould come in and hop up onto the back of my recliner and hang out, clucking and making a fuss, till someone either shooed her out or gave her a treat of some sort. Then she would show herself back OUT the swinging cat door, go back down about 20 stairs to the ground level and go back about her business eating bugs etc. with the rest of the flock. Don't let anyone tell you animals are more dumb than any other species including humans. Each has a personality all their own - if we don't recognize it, THAT is on US and us alone. And most of them are more loyal than their human counterparts.
  20. yes indeed brother . As in the good book Exodus. Which marks a point in Coach Reich's departure . 2:7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” Baby in this case is of course the baby known as Bryce Young, babyish in stature, intellect, and general mood of someone who has no more clue what is going on around them than a new born babe. Okay, no more hints needed - biblical no doubt about it friends. You may want to pray if you don't see it. 15:13 - In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. Did ANY Panthers coach ever lead his team with more love,tolerance , and understanding than the Faire Lord Reich ? Was it not destiny for a superbowl ? ........................ biblical, stunning, .................... maddening 18:23 If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.” Obviously Captain Reich stood the strain. ................ people went home well satisfied from the Bof Satan stadium and turned from their electronic boxes of hell well satiated with the powers of the fleshly delights, but the power of the greater evil prevailed in this case ........... the bald Satan from PA got the upper hand and hoof ......... 28:34 The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe. I think we all know how this reads and what exactly it means . Bless you my Panthers friends one and all. I won't get into the flock of Jethro and all that entails ........... my dear Panthers bros, but let me tell you ................ we are in for some desert days ...........................................................................
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