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  1. I hope you can pull some strings with the big man up there and get us a better football team
  2. That was a terrible throw from DA but what a great catch!!!
  3. OTAs are part of tryouts. He hasn't made the 52 man team yet. Chances are if you suck at practice then your going to suck even more in the real game. This is basically like his interview to get a job as a member of the panthers organization. If he sucking this bad at the interview he probably won't get hired.
  4. He actually stated several times when addressed with this problem. "Most of the time the answer is on your roster". He has been pretty honest and straightforward yet people keep thinking that Dave is throwing smokescreens everywhere.
  5. this could be a great thing for the panthers. we could save millions from this boneheaded move
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