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Everything posted by Wolfcop

  1. 700-some hospitalizations out of 23,000 confirmed cases out of a population of 10.5 million. Use precautions, but keep things open. Those at risk have to use the utmost cautions.
  2. On the flip side of that, there are a ton of asymptomatic/undiagnosed mild cases cases so the death rate might still be about the same, which is higher than the flu, but not high enough to cripple the economy for years. Those who are high risk should stay at home. Otherwise, folks have to get things going again.
  3. Several first hand accounts from medical personnel who were told to classify deaths as COVID if they showed any of the symptoms and whether or not they tested positive. Other accounts of patients who tested positive and died who where classified as COVID deaths whether they died of COVID symptoms or something else. I have personally talked to a few nurses who have made similar claims. Now, there may also be some under reporting in some places as well, but let's admit we probably wouldn't bet our paychecks on either side of it.
  4. Well, now Fauci "the genius" is saying places who can should reopen. Maybe the media (and others) can stop using him as an excuse to bash governors who are trying to get their economies going.
  5. I trust the CDC about as much as the WHO. They have changed their story about 10 times on what to do/what not to do.
  6. Yeah, if these stimulus checks keep going out, social security may die before some of us retire. Our children will definitely have to plan retirement without it.
  7. I'm very sorry to read that. Many more of us will be in your shoes if things are not reopened soon.
  8. I'm sorry for the situation you are in, but a one size fits all reaction is not appropriate and is killing the economy, which will kill many people as well. In NC, we have had 500 some deaths, most in nursing homes. Meanwhile, half the restaurants and many, many more businesses are projected not to open again. Shutting everything down can and will ruin at least as many lives as the virus. Things have to start opening with precautions.
  9. Formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, animal proteins/DNA, human fetal cells, etc. I didn't get info from a meme. Just a bit of research and, oh, the sheet they hand you when you take the vaccine. Do what you want to do brother, but just ask questions and don't do it just because the media or those in charge tell you to.
  10. I guess each individual has to make that decision and accept the risks.
  11. If you trust vaccines across the board, you need to watch the video. I know several people who's children have been injured by vaccines. I don't know anyone who has died because they didn't get a vaccine. At least question what you are told by people who make money by us acting like sheep and lining up for the "cure". Then, if you have all the information and still decide to do it, fine.
  12. #3 There are ongoing case studies and doctor's statements that it is making a big difference.
  13. Man, there are a lot of people who hate that it is helping many folks get better. Weird
  14. I see your point, but you could test negative one day and positive the next. So, the same guidelines need to be in place. I assume everyone outside my home has it.
  15. Agree. Takes much discipline. I was telling my wife how tough the drill instructors were on recruits if we touched our face. Well, during that 3 months, no one got sick and our complexions were perfect. I know part of that was eating healthy and drinking lots of water, but I imagine that refraining from touching the face was huge in keeping us healthy.
  16. Just heard a doctor from NY say that if you avoid touching your face, you have almost zero chance of contracting the virus - obviously if you avoid sick people. Touching the face is almost always the way we get infected. That is something we can definitely control. Stay safe folks.
  17. Yeah, it is a tough call, to say the least. People can't stay at home long or there will be bigger issues to overcome.
  18. That's what all the smart people are doing now anyway. Too many idiots not taking it seriously.
  19. That would have been a pick had he turned around.
  20. Some very unimpressive offenses they played the last 5 weeks, except for AZ for 1 half.
  21. Now, that's is funny that they went to a commercial. Happens even in the mock!
  22. Unless he wants a shot to go far in the Playoffs. He would fit in great here. He runs good routes and has good hands.
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