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  1. I think we will lose, but I hope I’m wrong. This is about the time when the Bengals kick it into gear and take off. If we are competitive, I’ll be satisfied and believe we will have a chance to win a few in the upcoming stretch.
  2. Someone who was at our home game told me that Mingo was open a lot that game. I didn’t see it, but we shall see.
  3. If we finish near .500, I will cry tears of joy. I think we are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves. Let's take it week to week.
  4. One of the best catches I’ve seen from a Panthers player. Get well soon, Adam!
  5. “The biggest thing, more so than anything else…” Ah, love the Riverboat Gambler!
  6. Haven’t seen a game like that from a Panthers WR in a long time. Well, copy that over to QB and RB, too. Incredible performance offensively.
  7. Usually, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but with this, it is the other way around.
  8. The majority of NFL teams had him as the top QB last year. I preferred Stroud in the draft, but tried to stay positive with who we had. I was taking a wait-and-see approach this season, as many were. I still think Young is better than he has shown, but I do not have hope that he will turn it around here. Like the others, he will probably ball out at his next stop. Either way, I prefer a more prototypical QB. The experiment should be over.
  9. There are a lot of inflated egos in NFL front offices. Someone will think they have the right situation for him to come in and succeed.
  10. I don't think he is worth it, but some team will over a Day 2 pick because they think he will play better in their system. There is a popular thought that he never had a chance here, which I agree with on last year's team. This year is different, and he is not progressing with better OL and WR play.
  11. Would be a reconnect opportunity for Canales. Russ doesn’t need much money. He is still getting paid by Denver.
  12. It makes a lot of sense and we know he works in Canales’ system.
  13. I think most people agree that benching Bryce was the right decision, but that just means the entire plan was trash from the start.
  14. Yeah, no need to trade him now for a low pick. If it’s a Day 2 pick, we can talk. Miami might be tempted with the uncertainty w Tua.
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