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  1. Blue jersey/white pants/blue socks Silver helmet I like the blackout too on occasion
  2. Poop emoji for the blowout ^ ive changed my share of those!
  3. If he is that great and I felt good about his long term potential and health, I’d definitely take him at 8.
  4. The only thing that would shock me more would be drafting a kicker with the 8th pick.
  5. I would not be doing backflips at the time, but he might turn out to be a stud and turn our OL into an elite unit.
  6. I am all for the BPA of all the remaining defensive players and possibly TMac.
  7. Yeah, I am not crazy about her, but she has done a lot for many people.
  8. Yep - we do not have a WR on the roster who can do that.
  9. Who were yall saying we miss that went to the Commanders D?
  10. Their offense was not the problem. They scored 31 points even with the turnovers. The defensive injuries they had were brutal and it caught up with them.
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