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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. oh snap. made a nice play there.
  2. DJ Johnson has actually flashed a little against other teams fringe players
  3. you're right. let me make a separate thread on this subject.
  4. for real. that dude is the worst.
  5. Do what's right Frank. You hired him for a reason. Hand the keys to the offense over to him. Don't wait until week 10 when we're eliminated from playoff contention to make the call.
  6. it's time to hand the keys over to T Brown for real
  7. gimme the luton gimme the luton i'll see myself out
  8. on a luton free diet i'll see myself out
  9. luton for punishment i'll see myself out
  10. He says the most obnoxious stuff to rile everyone up and then disappears and posts some other random nonsense
  11. Man can we ban this clown already
  12. We didn’t play a single starter along the defensive line tonight. I’m concerned, but not worried.
  13. Can we build off this drive
  14. tbh I'm not expecting us to look good tonight with Wink blitzing 24/7 and the way our OL looked last week\
  15. Yeah I miss the old days where preseason game 3 was the one that truly mattered. Ever since they moved to a 3 game preseason, the teams are not aligned on when to play their starters. You would think that Game 2 would be the "dress rehearsal" game, but for a good portion of teams (i.e. the Eagles and Browns last night) - starters are still resting. IIRC starters don't really play at all Game 3 now.
  16. i have no doubts that mac is a distant relative of ked woodley
  17. Matt Rhule has entered the chat
  18. If Chinn is ever tasked with covering a wide receiver we are in deep trouble. He's a run down nickel only.
  19. “Getting up to speed “ and being forced into preseason action protecting the hopeful savior of our franchise as a rookie. good times
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