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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Rhule has single handedly sucked the excitement out of this franchise.
  2. Right. It’s like they just ignore the engine that literally carried us there.
  3. For the billionth time. He is in the far right of the original photo. You can see his bracelet, hospital band (from truck accident). He was probably just never in the banner, for whatever reason.
  4. Until we find anyone better, or like half as good - then yeah might as well
  5. Y’all are really triggered over a discussion? I literally just posted it for clarification - I don’t care if he was photoshopped/cropped/ripped out. I was just wondering if anyone had the original banner photo. Bout to get this thread locked since y’all can’t handle a reasonable chat.
  6. Except he was. I mean you can clearly see his lokai bracelet and hospital band (from truck accident). So, he was 100% in the original picture. Now, he may have not ever been on the actual banner….but he’s in the original photo.
  7. Not in the stadium. So idk if he was ever up there. But he is 100% to the right of the image.
  8. I know there was some discussion on this but I never saw a picture (or noticed, or took the time to look)…until now: Thoughts?
  9. Friendly reminder that he is also terrible and wouldn’t be on a roster if Rhule didn’t have some weird Temple obsession
  10. It was such a dumb move. Besides the fact that Sam sucks, let’s also throw him out there unprepared and banged up.
  11. For a staff with so many flaws and questionable decisions, this one is close to the top of baffling idiotic reactionary calls that should get his seat nice and warm
  12. There’s growing pains and then there is ineptitude. We are the latter
  13. Blah blah we faced a good football team blah blah rah rah
  14. It’s been long enough. He is a terrible owner.
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