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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Aight folks I’m logging off at page 130. See y’all for part 3.
  2. We already cleared the space needed take another break Steven we have a long day ahead of ourselves tomorrow
  3. I wouldn’t hate it but he’s only a marginal upgrade over darnold
  4. thanks for posting though. good insight.
  5. that's cool and all but rhule being there is likely a non-starter. why would watson want to play for the idiot. plus he's on the hotseat anyway. what a cluster.
  6. whew, good point I should have saw it coming. blind idiots.
  7. When he personally called Atlanta begging them to take him.
  8. you forgot to add: Watson - does any and everything possible to avoid being dealt to the carolina clown show, including being willing to live in cleveland
  9. where is @ickmule with our sales team image
  10. he's got a point. tepper has ruined this miserable franchise.
  11. yeah that's the weirdest part here. like why are they bending over backwards for him when he is literally walking out on them.
  12. @Proudiddy and let's not forget that joke of a soccer team where the coach already wants to quit lol
  13. or getting served up and down by the fine folks in rock hill, sc
  14. @ellis this isn't really a compliment. this is us going full send for someone who ultimately doesn't even want to be here. imo it's kind of a slap in the face and also pretty indicative of where we currently are as a franchise. thanks for nothing tepper and rhule.
  15. exactly where did you get that hot take
  16. he likely just wants to tell arthur blank how clueless we are
  17. so tepper and clown rhule show up yesterday and watson proceeds to reach out to atlanta because he wants to beat them so badly
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